Public DNA, Private Identity
Chemical & Engineering News | In a "found DNA" project, Heather Dewey-Hagborg is sequencing the DNA she finds around her--fallen strands of hair, discarded chewing gum--and using it to create images, and then sculptures of the owners' faces.
Jun 27, 2013
Jonathan Rothberg Leaves Life Technologies, Ion Torrent
NASDAQ | Jonathan Rothberg has resigned from Life Technologies, amid Life's attempted $13.6 billion merger with Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Jun 26, 2013
Rienhoff Identifies Daughter's Mutation
Nature News | Hugh Rienhoff's quest seems to be ending. For the past ten years, Rienhoff has been scouring the genome of his daughter, Bea. He's had candidates before, but now he's identified a mutation that isn't connected to any other disease and appears to cause Bea's symptoms.
Jun 26, 2013
Patients Volunteer to Share Genetic Data for Research
Slate | In the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling on gene patents, patients are banding together to share the data that Myriad Genetics has collected over the years.
Jun 26, 2013
CIA Chooses Amazon Cloud Over Cheaper Bids
InformationWeek | In a bid for the CIA's Cloud business, Amazon wins--but not with the lowest price. IBM's bid came in lower than Amazon, but the CIA still chose AWS.
Jun 25, 2013
Oracle's SAP Response
Computerworld | Oracle's Larry Ellison is a step ahead of the game. Oracle hasn't released it's 12c database yet, but speaking on a quarterly earnings call last week, Ellison plugged database 12.1c as the most direct competitor to SAP's HANA in-memory platform
Jun 24, 2013
May-June News Briefs
Bio-IT World | News briefs and products from around the industry, including a clinical testing agreement in China, donated ALS data, an NGS developer program, a new high performance storage solution, and more.
Jun 21, 2013
Cloud's False Flexibility
Computerworld | CIOs of big companies were bemoaning the cloud's lack of flexibility at the GigsOm Structure conference yesterday.
Jun 20, 2013
Obama vs the Drug Industry
Bio-IT World Roundup | Earlier this week, a Forbes commentary by John Osborn outlined what the Obama administration "really thinks" about the biopharmaceutical industry. It's not flattering.
Jun 20, 2013
$1000 Debates: the Cost of the Genome
UT San Diego | The debate about the cost of sequencing rises again. PeerJ, a new journal, made a marketing statement mentioning a $99 genome. The comment set off Mick Watson, a genomicist, bioinformatician, and blogger.
Jun 20, 2013
Gene Patent Ruling 'Confusing' Says International Commentator
The Guardian | Many in the US applauded the Supreme Court's decision to rule against Myriad and gene patents. But internationally, pundits call the decision "confusing".
Jun 19, 2013
ARM Announces Server Processor
ReadWrite | AMD has announced its "Seattle" ARM processor for a late 2014 launch. The processor will be built specifically for servers; each chip will include a server's worth of hardware, but not storage.
Jun 19, 2013
Dealing With the Big Leak
Nature | A major leak of genomic data is inevitable, says Steven Brenner, in a column last week in Nature. What will the outcomes be?
Jun 18, 2013
China's Tianhe-2 to Take Top Supercomputing Spot
Computerworld | China's new supercomputer, the Tianhe-2, is poised to take the top spot on the next Top500 list. The system has 3.1 million cores, with Intel Xeon Ivy Bridge chips and Xeon Phi coprocessors, and can run at 54.9 petaflops.
Jun 17, 2013
Exascale Challenges, Opportunities
Bio-IT World | The limits to exascale lie mainly in power and memory issues, said George Michaels, director of life sciences programs at Intel. Speaking at the Genome Informatics Alliance event last week, Michaels laid out the roadblocks to exascale as Intel sees them.
Jun 14, 2013
Pathway Genomics Launches BRCA Tests
Bio-IT World News Brief | Pathway Genomics wasted no time after the Supreme Court's ruling on drug patents yesterday. Yesterday the company announced that it would launch a comprehensive cancer panel next-gen sequencing panel including BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Jun 14, 2013
IBM Begins Restructuring Layoffs
Bloomberg | An IBM employee organization is reporting 1,300 layoffs with possibly more to come. The company announced a $1 billion restructuring last April, which probably means 6,000-8,000 layoffs.
Jun 13, 2013
Human Genes Not Patentable
Wall Street Journal | The Supreme Court this morning ruled that human genes are not patentable.
Jun 13, 2013
Genomics and the Healthcare Revolution
Bio-IT World | SINGAPORE—At the recent 2013 Bio-IT World Asia conference, scientists and clinicians discussed how they could better coordinate their efforts in clinical genomics and “make genomic information usable in the clinic”.
Jun 10, 2013
Oxford Nanopore, Illumina Set Partnership End Date
U-T San Diego | Oxford Nanopore and Illumina's partnership will end in 2016, according to Oxford's annual report. The firm end date, "adds clarity" to relationship.
Jun 10, 2013