New Big Data Solutions at Sanger Institute
Bio-IT World | DataDirect Networks today announced an expanded partnership with the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, to deploy more than 10 petabytes of high-performance storage.
Oct 7, 2013
Updates on England's UK100K Project
Genomes Unzipped | Genomics England Limited, the company built to manage the UK's plan to sequence 100,000 whole genomes over the next 3-5 years, held a town hall meeting yesterday to address some of the community's questions about the plan.
Oct 4, 2013
Open Access Under Review
Science | Science magazine writer John Bohannon takes on open access publishing with a spoof paper submitted to 304 open access, "peer-reviewed" journals.
Oct 4, 2013
A Government Scientist Speaks About the Shutdown
Wired | A government biomedical scientist was instructed not to speak to the media, but she shared her thoughts on the shutdown, her research, and what damage even a temporary halt in research can do.
Oct 3, 2013
Gene Deletions May Be Implicated in Autism
Bio-IT World | A team from the Seaver Autism Center at Mt. Sinai has released the results of a large genomic study of ASD individuals, leveraging new technology to find single-gene deletions within whole exome sequences.
Oct 2, 2013
23andMe's Old Patents
Wired | In December 2008, 23andMe received a US patent on a system for helping prospective parents choose traits for their offspring including hair color and disease risk.
Oct 3, 2013
New Search Tool for Gene Expression
Bio-IT World News Brief | A new search tool, analagous to BLAST, is allowing researchers to dig deep through the Gene Expression Omnibus for experimental data.
Oct 2, 2013
EMC Looks Toward Flash as Future of Storage
Computerworld | Big data company EMC has shifted its investments heavily toward flash storage, with over half its R&D budget turned over to flash technology.
Oct 1, 2013
Scripps Researchers Identify Key Protein in Insulin Pathway
Bio-IT World News Brief | A team at the Scripps Research Institute is looking at a little-known protein called TMEM24 as a possible linchpin in the control of insulin levels - and therefore a promising target for diabetes research.
Oct 1, 2013
Merck Announces 8,500 More Layoffs
Bloomberg | Merck today released the news that it will be firing 8,500 workers across the company, in addition to 7,500 layoffs it had previously announced.
Oct 1, 2013
A Field Maturing: The 2013 Consumer Genetics Conference
Bio-IT World | The 5th annual Consumer Genetics Conference wrapped up last Friday in Boston, after three days of rich discussion, new ideas and products, and a bit of debate.
Sep 30, 2013
Steve Jobs and Foundation Medicine
Technology Review | With Foundation Medicine's successful IPO, the cancer genetics test that Steve Jobs hoped for will soon be available.
Sep 30, 2013
NIH Announces $25m Grants to Develop Framework for Evaluating Genetic Variants
Bio-IT World | The National Institutes of Health just announced three grants totaling more than $25 million over four years to help three research groups develop authoritative information on the millions of genomic variants relevant to human disease and the hundreds that are expected to be useful for clinical practice.
Sep 25, 2013
PacBio, Roche Sign Deal for Diagnostics
Motley Fool | A Pacific Biosciences-Roche deal announced today has PacBio stock leaping. The deal gives Roche worldwide exclusive rights to in vitro diagnostics products based on PacBio's SMRT technology.
Sep 25, 2013
The Personalized Medicine Business Model
Forbes | Personalized medicine offers tremendous potential for patients, but could impose huge development costs that might never be recovered by the manufacturers.
Sep 25, 2013
Out of Many, One: Genohub’s One-Stop-Shop for NGS Services
By Bio-IT World | The launch of Genohub, a company that helps link genomics researchers with sequencing providers, this past August marks a significant step forward in the Next Generation Sequencing industry.
Sep 25, 2013
Agilent to Divide Into Two Companies
SpectroscopyNOW | Agilent Technologies is preparing to divide in two, with its electronic measurement business forming a separate company.
Sep 24, 2013
Skipping Exons: New Gene Therapy
New York Times | Sarepta Therapeutics has developed a drug that may be helping muscular dystrophy by skipping exons.
Sep 24, 2013
RainDance Raises Another $35m
Gigaom | RainDance Technologies has raised $35 million in debt financing from Capital Royalty Partners. The company raised $20 million in April.
Sep 24, 2013
Oracle Strikes Back at HANA
Computerworld | It's been clear that SAP's HANA was intended to go after Oracle customers, but Oracle is not surrendering.
Sep 24, 2013