Where The Money Is: 2016 Edition
ENDPOINTS NEWS | Thomson Reuters dug up investment numbers for all of the top 100 VCs investing in biotech, and Endpoints News ranked them. Flagship, Third Rock, New Enterprise Associates, and Arch Venture are the top four, and many of the top four players remain focused on early stage investment.
Jan 18, 2017
Novogene Purchases 10 PacBio Sequel Systems
Bio-IT World Brief | Novogene today announced its intention to purchase 10 Sequel Systems for whole genome sequencing, Iso-Seq annotation and targeted sequencing services from Pacific Biosciences.
Jan 16, 2017
The Stem-Cell Revolution Is Coming — Slowly
The New York Times | Where are the miracle treatments we were promised? A Nobel Prize-winning scientist explains.
Jan 16, 2017
Biotech IPO Master Is Still Setting Up New Biotechs And Hatching More Deals
ENDPOINTS NEWS | Vivek Ramaswamy blindsided the biotech industry with a record-setting IPO for the mystery biotech Axovant. The one-time hedge fund maestro turned drug entrepreneur has set up three more companies and taken one of them public at near supersonic speed, all while busily in-licensing drugs from a growing list of suppliers.
Jan 13, 2017
JP Morgan News Round Up
Bio-IT World Brief | The JP Morgan Healthcare Conference was held this week in San Francisco, kicking off 2017 with news and deals and product announcements. Many presentations were webcast. Here are some of the highlights and news bits we’ve collected over the past three days.
Jan 12, 2017
Illumina Launches NovaSeq Sequencers, Aiming To Replace 1900 Sequencers
Bio-IT World Speaking at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference this afternoon, Francis deSouza, President and CEO of Illumina, unveiled the NovaSeq series, a new and scalable sequencing architecture, comprised of two instruments: the NovaSeq 5000 and NovaSeq 6000.
Jan 9, 2017
Mysterious $5 Billion Biotech Firm Moderna Lays Out Drug Pipeline
Forbes | What drugs is Moderna developing? It finally gives some details at JP Morgan.
Jan 9, 2017
PatientsLikeMe Joins Wang's iCarbonX Digital Life Alliance Cornerstone
Diagnostics World | Last week PatientsLikeMe announced a partnership and investment from iCarbonX that positions PatientsLikeMe as the cornerstone of Jun Wang's iCarbonX Digital Life Alliance, which aims to digitize and analyze all aspects of life.
Jan 9, 2017
Will Our Government’s Multi-Billion-Dollar Investment In Genome Science Pay Off?
Pacific Standard | Though the medical benefits of genome science have been marginal thus far, the government's multi-billion-dollar investment could pay off with the right policy adjustments.
Jan 9, 2017
Interference: A CRISPR Patent Dispute Roadmap
Bio-IT World | An epic CRISPR litigation battle between a host of universities has erupted involving CRISPR/Cas9, which can have major implications for the gene-editing technology community.
Jan 9, 2017
Guide RNA Synthesis Firm Synthego Gets Investment, Vote Of Doudna Confidence
Bio-IT World This week Synthego, a leading provider of genome engineering solutions, announced a $41 million Series B financing, bringing the company’s total fundraising to $50 million. The latest round includes investment from several venture firms, as well as direct, individual investments from Jennifer Doudna and Jamie Cate.
Jan 6, 2017
BioTeam’s Berman Charts 2017 HPC Trends in Life Sciences
HPCwire | Twenty years ago high performance computing was nearly absent from life sciences. Today it's used throughout life sciences and biomedical research. Genomics and the data deluge from modern lab instruments are the main drivers, but so is the longer-term desire to perform predictive simulation in support of Precision Medicine (PM).
Jan 6, 2017
Boston Biotech Pieris Nabs Cancer Deal With French Powerhouse Servier
Bio-IT World News Brief | Pieris and Servier today announced a broad collaboration in immuno-oncology. Under the collaboration, Pieris and Servier will initially pursue five bispecific therapeutic programs.
Jan 5, 2017
WuXi NextCODE Chosen To Support Singapore Precision Medicine Pilot
Bio-IT World | The National Heart Centre of Singapore (NHCS) has chosen WuXi NextCODE to support its 18-month proof-of-concept precision medicine project, focusing on cardiovascular disease.
Jan 4, 2017
Edico Genome’s Deal with Dell EMC Fits Partnership Strategy
Xconomy | San Diego's Edico Genome is now in its fourth year as a startup, and well into the hard slog of striking partnership deals, generating revenue, and building a business.
Jan 4, 2017
AstraZeneca CIO Makes IT Twice As Good At Half The Cost - Here Is How
Forbes | Dave Smoley has led a remarkable transformation of the information technology function at AstraZeneca during his nearly four years as CIO. He has codified the methods used to double IT's value at half the cost in ways that others can follow, as well.
Jan 3, 2017
Gene Therapy To Prevent Inherited Diseases May Cause Other Ills
NPR.org | In 2016, scientists combined the genes of three people in an effort to make a baby free of an inherited disease. But the process doesn't wipe out all faulty mitochondria, and could pose new risks.
Jan 3, 2017
University of California Sues For Genia Technology Rights
Bio-IT World Brief | Yesterday the Regents of the University of California filed a patent suit against Roger Chen and Genia Technologies in California Northern District Court.
Dec 30, 2016
Building For The Future Aurora Supercomputer At Argonne
insideHPC | Argonne National Laboratory is working on its next generation computing system: Aurora.
Dec 29, 2016
How Blockchain Can Create the World’s Biggest Supercomputer
TechCrunch | As our desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices, etc. stand idly by for a huge portion of the day, the need for computing resources is growing at a fast pace.
Dec 28, 2016