• Celgene Doubles Down on Dragonfly Pays $50M to Expand Cancer Pact

    Xconomy | Celgene's collaboration with Dragonfly Therapeutics is less than 18 months old, but the pharmaceutical company is already expanding the alliance. Celgene

    Nov 14, 2018
  • Machine Learning Predicts How DNA Breaks Under CRISPR

    Bio-IT World | In a study published yesterday in Nature, researchers created a machine-learning model—inDelphi—that predicts how human and mouse cells will respond to CRISPR-induced breaks in DNA.

    Nov 8, 2018
  • NVMe: Powering Genomics And Life Sciences

    Bio-IT World Contributed Commentary | Most organizations require high speed computing capabilities. NVMe delivers this capability to businesses by tapping into the power and speed of flash technology and increasing data processing speeds by up to 100 times when compared to spinning disk media.

    Nov 7, 2018
  • A Billionaires Dying Wish A $10 Million Prize To Fight Brain Diseases

    Forbes | Named for late billionaire Richard Rainwater, the Rainwater Prize Program has launched to help find a cure for a rare brain disease.

    Nov 6, 2018
  • In conversation with… Harold Varmus

    Mosaic | Alok Jha talks to Harold Varmus, Nobel Prize-winning cancer researcher and current Director of the US National Cancer Institute.

    Nov 6, 2018
  • Illumina Acquires PacBio, Discusses Future In Investor Call

    Bio-IT World | Yesterday Illumina announced its intention to acquire Pacific Biosciences. Both companies presented the details and took questions during an investor call.

    Nov 2, 2018
  • New Head For Renamed Icahn Institute At Mount Sinai

    Bio-IT World | Mount Sinai has named a new head for its Icahn Institute, and renamed the effort the Icahn Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology. Adam Margolin will lead the new enterprise-wide program, whose 10-year plan includes 55 new faculty and staff, new computational infrastructure, and an educational program to train master’s students and PhDs in biomedical data science.

    Nov 2, 2018
  • Illumina Buys PacBio For $1.2 Billion

    Bio-IT World News Brief | Illumina and Pacific Biosciences today announced they have signed an agreement for Illumina to acquire Pacific Biosciences at a price of $8.00 per Pacific Biosciences share in an all-cash transaction. This price represents a premium of 71% to Pacific Biosciences’ 30 trading day volume weighted average share price as of the market close on October 31st, 2018, and a total enterprise value of approximately $1.2 billion on a fully diluted basis.

    Nov 1, 2018
  • 23andMe Test Cleared To Help Patients Determine How Well Drugs May Work For Them

    STAT | The genetic test is the first of its kind authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for direct-to-consumer marketing.

    Nov 1, 2018
  • QIAGEN, iSpecimen, Riffyn, And More: News From October 2018

    Bio-IT World | October featured exciting new, products, and partnerships from around the bio-IT community from innovating companies, organizations, and universities, including QIAGEN, iSpecimen, Riffyn, and more.

    Oct 31, 2018
  • How an outsider bucked prevailing Alzheimers theory clawed for validation

    STAT | Even as potential Alzheimer's drugs failed, researchers with fresh approaches struggled to get funded and to get studies published in top journals.

    Oct 29, 2018
  • IBM to acquire Red Hat in deal valued at $34 billion

    CNBC | The acquisition is by far IBM's largest deal ever, and third-biggest in the history of U.S. tech.

    Oct 29, 2018
  • Scripps, Nvidia Tackle AI Tools, Best Practices For Genomics And Health Sensors

    HPCwire | Nvidia and the Scripps Research Translational Institute announced a collaboration to develop AI and deep learning best practices, tools and infrastructure to accelerate AI applications using genomic and digital health sensor data.

    Oct 26, 2018
  • New Chinese Sequencer Promises 60 Human Genomes In A Day

    Bio- IT World News Brief | MGI Tech introduced the next iteration of its sequencer, the MGISEQ-T7, at the 13th International Conference on Genomics (ICG-13) in Shenzhen. The company also announced new library and sample prep and an application for tumor mutation detection.

    Oct 25, 2018
  • Amazon Web Services Joins NIH’s STRIDES Initiative

    Bio-IT World News Brief | Amazon Web Services has joined NIH’s STRIDES Initiative to harness the latest cloud technologies for biomedical researchers.

    Oct 24, 2018
  • News And Notes From ASHG 2018

    Bio-IT World | The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) hosted their annual meeting last week in San Diego, California. Here are some of the announcements made during the meeting.

    Oct 22, 2018
  • Opportunity Identification - Zeroing In On The Most Promising Targets

    Bio-IT World Contributed Commentary | When tackling opportunity identification, life science and biotech companies need to look at services and technology platforms that can leverage data collection to come up with a targeted list of opportunities and bring on a senior team to develop relationships with them before and after the automated data crunching.

    Oct 17, 2018
  • The Results Of Your Genetic Test Are Reassuring. But That Can Change.

    The New York Times | Laboratories frequently "reclassify" genetic mutations. But there is no reliable system for telling patients or doctors that the results of their genetic tests are no longer valid.

    Oct 16, 2018
  • Golden Helix Looks Ahead After Receiving NIH Grant For Structural Variation Detection

    Bio-IT World | After announcing another grant from the National Institutes of Health to dig further into detecting structural variations, Golden Helix’s CEO and president discusses the company’s history, the shift in trajectory over the past five years, and what’s next.

    Oct 16, 2018
  • Takeda On Foundational, Business-Driven, Enabling Data Science

    Bio-IT World | At the 2018 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, we dedicated a plenary session to a panel discussion on data science. Wanting to offer the conversation to our community, we asked Krista McKee about the optimal environment to grow data science, the definition of data curation, and more.

    Oct 15, 2018