Explosion Of Interest In Organ-On-A-Chip Technology
Bio-IT World | Organ-on-a-chip models were practically nonexistent a decade ago, but significant advances are now being made every few months.
Nov 25, 2019
Follow The Money: Investments and Funding Rounds for November
Bio-IT World | Some of the latest funding updates from across life sciences, clinical trials, the diagnostics industries.
Nov 22, 2019
Hesperos: A CRO For Body-On-A-Chip Enthusiasts
Bio-IT World | Operationally, Hesperos works much like a contract research organization that delivers study results back to sponsoring companies, with its specialty being integration assistance to drug developers interested in using a multiorgan model for their preclinical efficacy and toxicity studies.
Nov 22, 2019
Organs On Chips Will Make Drugs Safer—And More Precise
Bio-IT World | The emergence of organ-on-a-chip systems to expedite drug discovery and toxicology studies is a process more than three decades in the making.
Nov 21, 2019
Will Organ-On-A-Chip Models Be Viable Alternatives to Animal Testing?
Bio-IT World | A new testing technology is of great interest to pharmaceutical companies looking to better understand the effects of medicines—especially the unintended consequences of their administration—and will facilitate study of not only toxicity, but also the mechanism by which drugs work and the timing of their delivery and physiological response.
Nov 20, 2019
TOP500 Supercomputers List Announced
TOP500 | The 54th edition of the TOP500 saw China and the US maintaining their dominance of the list, albeit in different categories.
Nov 18, 2019
Reducing Wasted Life Science Research By Using Factorial Experiments
Bio-IT World Contributed Commentary | To combat the waste of life science research, Sridhar Iyengar advocates building comprehensive lab monitoring and information systems that, using "AI", can "correlate fluctuations in many different variables" to deviations in observed results. There is, however, another completely different approach to tease out from the "myriad factors": factorial experimentation, in particular, 2-level screening experiments.
Nov 18, 2019
Oxford Nanopore Develops Pore-C, Couples Chromatin Conformation Capture With Long Read Tech
Bio-IT World News Brief | Last week Weill Cornell Medicine and Oxford Nanopore published a pre-print describing Pore-C, a new nanopore sequencing technique which couples chromatin conformation capture with Oxford Nanopore Technologies long reads to directly sequence multi-way chromatin contacts without amplification.
Nov 14, 2019
Tumor Organoids For High-Throughput Drug Screening
Bio-IT World | Interest is growing among oncology researchers in using tumor organoids to mimic cancer characteristics and drug responses in humans.
Nov 13, 2019
OptraHEALTH, InformedDNA Partner To Expand Access To Genetics Experts
Bio-IT World News Brief | OptraHEALTH and InformedDNA today announced that they will partner to offer access to InformedDNA’s board-certified genetic counselors through GeneFAX’s AI-enabled CounselorConnect platform.
Nov 8, 2019
Healthy Gut Microbiome Reference Database Initiated
Bio-IT World | A group of researchers describe an initial baseline healthy gut microbiome reference database and put forth a prototype reporting template. The goal behind the work is to map the healthy gut microbiome so that they and other researchers can use the data to develop disease-specific prediction models.
Nov 6, 2019
Microsoft + The Jackson Laboratory Using AI To Fight Cancer
The AI Blog | Jackson Lab is using AI from Project Hanover to find the most relevant cancer-related info from the thousands of research papers published each day.
Oct 31, 2019
PetaGene, AstraZeneca, QIAGEN, and More: News From October 2019
Bio-IT World | October featured exciting new, products, and partnerships from around the bio-IT community from innovating companies, organizations, and universities, including PetaGene, AstraZeneca, QIAGEN, and more.
Oct 31, 2019
Seqster Licenses SRP to La Jolla Institute of Immunology for Asthma Study
Bio-IT World | Seqster has signed a 3-year licensing deal and partnership with La Jolla Institute of Immunology (LJI) to support the execution of a $6.9 million Asthma study.
Oct 29, 2019
MGI Launches Benchtop Sequencing Laboratory And Automation Products
Bio-IT World Last week MGI released its new one-stop sequencing solution, including the portable “express” sequencing system DNBSEQ E series, the modular “digital biolab” DNBelab D series for use with the sequencing system, and the new DNBelab C series, a handheld single-cell laboratory.
Oct 29, 2019
Half Of Lab Experiments Fail, Costing $28B Annually. How We Can Prevent ‘Unknown Unknowns’
Bio-IT World Contributed Commentary | PLOS Biology published data on the $28 billion lost in preclinical research back in June 2015. It raised a vital question: What is the life science community actually doing now to prevent this colossal amount of wasted time, money, effort, and inventory?
Oct 28, 2019
The Greatest Medical Advancements Of The Future Will Originate In Data-Driven Enterprises
Bio-IT World Contributed Commentary | Combining the core competencies of life sciences and medicine with data-driven solutions will enable researchers and providers to revolutionize healthcare.
Oct 24, 2019
New Standards, Initiatives For GA4GH
Bio-IT World | The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) yesterday announced the unanimous approval of five new standards to enable responsible international genomic data sharing.
Oct 23, 2019
A New Marketplace For Machine Learning Researchers—And Citizen Scientists
Bio-IT World | A nonprofit devoted to citizen science has been working with biomedical researchers at Cornell University to apply crowd power and artificial intelligence (AI) to questions neither humans nor machines could answer alone.
Oct 21, 2019
Consent and Privacy Policy Updates From GA4GH
Bio-IT World | Last month the Regulatory and Ethics Work Stream of the Global Alliance for Genomics in Health shared revised regulatory and ethics policies.
Oct 18, 2019