• The Road to the $1,000 Genome

    Bio-IT World | This special issue of Bio•IT World contains a series of stories and essays that provide some useful perspectives on the march to the $1,000 genome, which some regard as a medical imperative and others a grand illusion.

    Sep 24, 2010
  • GATC Biotech to be PacBio's First European Service Provider

    Bio-IT World | GATC Biotech announced today that it will be purchasing the PacBio RS platform for planned installation of early 2011. The new PacBio RS will be the fifth sequencing technology for GATC Biotech. 

    Sep 22, 2010
  • China Takes on the Proteome

    Nature News | Researchers in China announced that they have received grants of roughly $30 million per year--soon to double--for the Chinese Human Proteome Project.

    Sep 22, 2010
  • Lee Hartwell, Nobel Laureate, Tackles Personalized Medicine

    Xconomy | Lee Hartwell, the 70-year-old Nobel laureate and former president of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, wants to change the way the world thinks about personalized medicine and help boost scientific education among young children.

    Sep 21, 2010
  • The Broad’s Approach to Genome Sequencing (part II)

    Bio-IT World Exclusive | In part II of this exclusive interview, Toby Bloom, the Broad Institute's head of informatics for the production sequencing group, talks about coping with the next-generation sequencing “data deluge' and the potential of the Cloud.

    Sep 16, 2010
  • The Broad’s Approach to Genome Sequencing (part I)

    Bio-IT World | In Part I of a two-part exclusive interview, Rob Nicol and Chad Nusbaum share some of the keys to the Broad Institute’s sequencing success with Bio-IT World chief editor Kevin Davies. (In Part II tomorrow, we talk to Toby Bloom, the Broad’s director of informatics.) 

    Sep 15, 2010
  • FACTS 2 Makes Most Clinical Trials Eligible for Design Simulation

    Bio-IT World |  The first upgrade to the FACTS simulation tool, co-developed by Tessella and Berry Consultants, increases the proportion of clinical studies that can benefit from simulation of the design up to about 85%.


    Sep 15, 2010
  • BGI Bags a Big Pharma Alliance with Merck

    Bio-IT World | At a landmark press conference in Shenzhen, China, today, BGI and Merck signed a long-term "working relationship” that could mark a turning point in the fortunes of BGI and big pharma's embrace of next-generation sequencing technology.


    Sep 14, 2010
  • NHGRI Announces $1,000 Genome Grants

    Bio-IT World | The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) announced more than $18 million in grants yesterday to drive development of third generation DNA sequencing technologies to bring the cost of sequencing a human genome to $1,000.

    Sep 13, 2010
  • New Algorithms Trace Neuron Shapes

    HHMI | New computational tools can trace the complex branching shapes of neurons up to 10 times faster than previous methods. The algorithms were designed by competitors in the DIADEM Challenge.

    Sep 3, 2010
  • Pfizer to Expand Orphan Drug Portfolio with Acquisition

    Boston Business Journal | Pfizer plans to acquire FoldRx, a Massachusettes-based biotech whose lead drug candidate has orphan drug designation in both the US and EU. The acquisition follows Pfizer's creation of an Orphan and Genetic Diseases Research Unit earlier this year. 

    Sep 3, 2010
  • Isilon Rolls Out Unified Scale-Out Storage Platform

    Bio-IT World | Data storage company Isilon is introducing what it claims is the industry’s first and only unified scale-out storage platform for the enterprise, by integrating the iSCSI protocol into its OneFS operating system.

    Aug 31, 2010