Illumina Unveils New Fleet Of Sequencing Instruments
Bio-IT World | The recent Illumina Genomics Forum occasioned the launch of several game-changing products, including the first FDA-regulated and CE-marked in vitro diagnostic high-throughput sequencer (NovaSeq 6000 Dx) and the company’s most powerful sequencer to date (NovaSeq X series) that can run 20,000 whole human genomes a year on a single instrument.
Oct 18, 2022
With More Oncology Data at Our Fingertips, Interpretation Tools Are Key
Bio-IT World | Oncology has been a shining example of the promise of precision medicine, and the tremendous gains to be made in human health when patients can be prescribed the right drug at the right time. But oncology has also shown the challenge of precision medicine: data interpretation. With each new source of data, the difficulty of making sense of the aggregated information only increases.
Oct 14, 2022
Interactive Microbial Atlas Outlines Associations Between the Gut Microbiome and Plasma Metabolites
Bio-IT World | A team of Swedish researchers from Uppsala and Lund Universities created the first large-scale microbial atlas, linking gut microbiota to specific metabolites and their potential health impact on humans.
Oct 13, 2022
Bio-IT World Opens Call for 2023 Innovative Practices Awards Entries
Bio-IT World | Bio-IT World is accepting entries for the 2023 Innovative Practices Awards competition. The deadline for entry is March 3, 2023, and the $300 application fee will be waived for entrants who meet the early deadline of January 6, 2023.
Oct 11, 2022
Bio-IT World Best of Show Announces Finalists, Opens Judging
Bio-IT World | Bio-IT World has announced the entries in our first Bio-IT World Europe Best of Show Awards. Entries from Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA, Evotec, The Hyve, MemVerge, Ontoforce, and Quilt Data are finalists for the Best of Show People’s Choice Award.
Oct 10, 2022
Select European Research Institutes Become the First to Join International Data Network
Bio-IT World | Research institutes representing five western European countries—Finland, Germany, Norway, Spain, and Sweden—will become the first to join the Federated European Genome-phenome Archive, an international distributed data network designed to share highly-sensitive human ’omics data internationally.
Oct 6, 2022
Wearable Sensor Continuously Measures Subcutaneous Tumor Progression and Regression
Bio-IT World | A team of researchers from Stanford University and the Georgia Institute of Technology designed a malleable, battery-operated wearable sensor that continuously monitors subcutaneous tumor progression, regression, and treatment efficacy.
Oct 4, 2022
New 30-Plex Immuno-Oncology Protein Target Panel, Temple Medicine’s Pulmonary Artery Blood Clot Reduction Device, More
Bio-IT World | A cloud-based software solution to streamline flow cytometry workflow; the world’s most extensive repeated set of highly-detailed, multi-organ images from a large cohort of participants; a gene editing therapy for inflammatory cardiac diseases; and more.
Sep 29, 2022
Follow the Money: NIH Funds Brain Mapping Network Initiative, Non-Invasive Skin Patch for Vaccine Delivery, More
Bio-IT World | Funding for multi-omic human brain cell atlas, AI-based drug discovery and development, genomic medicine software simulation platform, and more.
Sep 28, 2022
PacBio Announces New Analysis Method for Tandem Repeats
Bio-IT World | PacBio has announced the availability of a new computational analysis method for profiling more than a million tandem repeats across the human genome using PacBio’s native long-read HiFi sequencing data. The Tandem Repeat Genotyping Tool is intended to provide scientists with the ability to obtain a full characterization of the sequence and methylation status of tandem repeats genome-wide.
Sep 27, 2022
State of the Industry: Checking in on AI Trends and Progress with Fernanda Foertter
Bio-IT World | In the latest episode of Bio-IT World’s Trends from the Trenches podcast, host Stan Gloss, founder of BioTeam, gets an update from Fernanda Foertter, Voltron Data, about her AI experiences in the past few years and whether we’ve made any real progress.
Sep 27, 2022
Lessons From the Recent HCA 2022 General Meeting: Applying Single-Cell Data to Clinical Decision Making
Bio-IT World | Since mid-2021, many papers have described actionable links between genome-wide association studies and specific diseases based on single-cell data. But one associated challenge that comes up repeatedly is the handling, storing, and analyzing of the abundant data that is now available.
Sep 23, 2022
NVIDIA Announces Plans to Expand Large Language Models for Biology
Bio-IT World | At NVIDIA’s annual GTC event two days ago, the company made two particular announcements key to the life sciences space. First, NVIDIA announced it will make Clara Parabricks available on the Broad Institute’s Terra cloud platform. Second, the company revealed plans to expand large language models to biology, announcing BioNeMo.
Sep 22, 2022
Berlin Agenda: Our Plans for the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo Europe
Bio-IT World | Bio-IT World is heading to Berlin next month to explore biotech advancements happening in Europe. With five conference tracks, a plenary program, and an exhibit hall we are making the most of the packed two days of scientific content and industry best practices. Here are just a few of the presentations and themes flagged thus far.
Sep 21, 2022
Glioblastoma Cancer Cells ‘Starve’ Without Astrocyte Immunometabolic Support
Bio-IT World | Tel Aviv University researchers discovered that glioblastoma cells—a highly resistant, aggressive, and deadly form of cancer—“starve” to death without immunometabolic support from astrocytes.
Sep 20, 2022
Mount Sinai Aims To Enroll One Million People In Genetic Sequencing Project
Bio-IT World | The greater New York metropolitan area is the epicenter of an ambitious human genome sequencing research project newly launched by Mount Sinai Health System and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. If the vision is realized, Mount Sinai will enroll a million patients into a study over the next five years that will sequence and analyze the DNA in their blood to tease out the role of genetics and environment on health.
Sep 15, 2022
Public More Protective Of Their Health Information Than Their Biospecimens
Bio-IT World | In the ongoing debate about whether biospecimens should be covered by human subjects research regulations, bioethicists at the University of Michigan recently added a critical datapoint in disproving one of the arguments—namely, that the public feels more protective of their biospecimens than their health information.
Sep 14, 2022
Digestive Hormones Found to Significantly Influence Infectious Wound Healing
Bio-IT World | The University of Calgary research team discovered that neutrophils and monocytes—two types of white blood cells—play distinct roles in wound healing, with digestive hormones contributing to immune function.
Sep 13, 2022
Geneticists Discover Maternal Proteins with Epigenetic Influence Over Fetal Development
Bio-IT World | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute geneticists recently discovered that epigenetic information passes from murine mother to child and has lasting effects on development and growth.
Sep 8, 2022
Collaboration Uncovers New Clues About What Triggers A Stroke
Bio-IT World | Researchers at Tulane University and Ochsner Health have characterized carotid plaque taken from patients within days of a stroke, confirming that ruptures are associated with the thinning of the fibrous cap stabilizing the fatty deposits as well as suggesting that B cells play a bigger role than has previously been appreciated.
Sep 7, 2022