• DREAM6 Breaks New Ground

    Bio-IT World | Roughly five years ago the organizers of DREAM—Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessment and Methods—set out to find the best algorithms for inferring biological networks from blinded data sets. It turns out there's no such critter as the perfect algorthm.  

    Aug 15, 2011
  • Halcyon Molecular: Anatomy of a NGS Start-Up

    The Independent | William and Michael Andregg, co-founders of Silicon Valley next-gen sequencing start-up Halcyon Molecular, have given their most extensive interview to date on the motivation and circumstances that led to the launch of this ambitious company in 2008, funded in large part by the 'PayPal mafia.' 

    Aug 15, 2011
  • Back to Berlin for PacBio's Jonas Korlach

    San Jose Mercury News | The co-founder of Pacific Biosciences, Jonas Korlach, is preparing to return to Berlin for the official unveiling of the first PacBio instrument in his native land. In 1989, a 16-year-old Korlach walked through the Brandenburg Gate, just a few miles from his home in East Berlin. 


    Aug 12, 2011
  • Five Questions for Broad Institute CIO Martin Leach

    Broad Institute | Settling into his new digs at the Broad Institute, CIO Martin Leach answers five questions about IT at the Broad, his journey to the institute, and lessons that can be learned from the world of video gaming.

    Aug 12, 2011
  • Data for Doctors: Big Data Meets a Big Business

    GigaOM | Ted Corbett, director of knowledge management at Seattle Children’s Hospital, is using software from a company called Tableau to draw smart inferences from the 10 terabytes of data locked up in his servers and warehousing appliances.

    Aug 9, 2011
  • Turning Blood into Gold: The Wellness Chip

    Bio-IT World | COVER STORY: Fourteen years after conceiving a tool to discover and measure protein biomarkers, Larry Gold and his colleagues at SomaLogic are poised to see their first diagnostic—a lung cancer blood test--reach the marketplace.

    Aug 5, 2011
  • UK Study Identifies Ovarian Cancer Risk Gene

    The Independent | A new study funded by Cancer Research UK has identified a genetic glitch in a known DNA repair gene that increases a woman's risk of ovarian cancer six-fold. One in every 11 women who carry a mutation in the RAD51D gene is likely to develop ovarian cancer in her lifetime. 

    Aug 8, 2011
  • Genome Analytics for All

    Bio-IT World | Pauline Ng is planning open source, open access analytics for the genomes to come.

    Aug 5, 2011
  • Ion Torrent Reports 265 Base Pair Reads

    Bio-IT World | Late Wednesday, Life Technologies released an application note and supporting data for the Ion Torrent Personal Genomics Machine reporting reads up to 265 base pairs in length using E. coli data.

    Aug 5, 2011
  • CROs Doing More Research, Discovery

    San Diego Union Tribune | CRO's portion of the drug discovery market is expanding rapidly. In 2010 about 21 percent of R&D spending worldwide went to CROs 

    Aug 3, 2011
  • Time for Pharma to Face Social Media Fears?

    Bio-IT World | Guest Commentary | As tools like Facebook and Twitter become a permanent reality of human interaction, savvy businesses are standing up and taking notice. Yet the pharmaceutical industry remains apprehensive about jumping on the social media bandwagon.  


    Aug 1, 2011
  • Federal Court Rules in Favor of Gene Patents

    New York Times | The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled on Friday that genes can be patented, overturning a lower court decision.

    Jul 31, 2011
  • Phenomic Outcome Research with Patient-Volunteers

    Bio-IT World Video | At the Bio-IT World Expo, Ben Heywood, co-founder and CEO of PatientsLikeMe, quoted Catherine the Great: “A great wind is blowing and that gives you either imagination or a headache.”

    Jul 29, 2011
  • Team Tracks E. coli's Evolution with PacBio Sequencing

    HHMI | An international team of researchers seeking to understand the recent particularly virulent E. coli infections have compared the bacteria's genome to that of 11 related strains of E. coli using Pacific Biosciences sequencing technology.

    Jul 27, 2011
  • Balancing Race in Personal Genomics

    Wired | Yesterday 23andMe launched the Roots into the Future project, an attempt to add race balance to personal genomics.

    Jul 27, 2011
  • What Biotech Can Learn from Gamers

    Bio-IT World Video | Martin Leach opened his talk at the Bio-IT World Expo with, "And now for something completely different..."

    Jul 27, 2011
  • BGI Researchers Publish New Structural Variation Pipeline, Push for De Novo Assembly

    Bio-IT World | BGI researchers just released the single-nucleotide resolution structural variations (SVs) of an Asian and African genome discovered de novo genome assembly. The research was published online on Tuesday in Nature Biotechnology.

    Jul 26, 2011
  • Dell Offers Cloud Services in Singapore

    Bio-IT World | SINGAPORE—Dell announced the launch of the Dell Solution Center (DSC) in Singapore, today, one of twelve DSCs launching globally in 2011, and the only site in South Asia.

    Jul 22, 2011
  • Oxford Nanopore Opens Cambridge Bioinformatics Hub

    Business Weekly | Oxford Nanopore has opened a new office in Cambridge, UK, to help recruit "the best informaticians," suggesting it may be hoping to lure some talent from the European Bioinformatics Institute and other premier organizations in the region.

    Jul 21, 2011
  • A Sequencing Squabble over Ion Torrent’s Stanford Licenses

    Bio-IT World | As Ion Torrent publishes details of its destop sequencing technology in Nature this week, charges continue to fly over the intellectual credit for some of the key technology that Ion Torrent exclusively licensed from Stanford University’s Office of Technology Licensing.  

    Jul 20, 2011