• Teachable Neurons Could Improve Preclinical Drug Screening

    Bio-IT World | When sent electrical signals, a living model of the brain succeeded in “playing” Pong, a simple, tennis-like computer game popular in the 1970s. It was a notable feat for a single layer of neural cells in a dish, recapitulating how a real brain functions better than a computer or artificial intelligence ever will.

    Dec 20, 2022
  • Why a Holistic Approach May Drastically Change the Way Experiments Are Conducted

    Bio-IT World | The rush to digitalization has been underway for some time, but there is one industry that remains stuck in the past: the life sciences. While there have been numerous advancements in the way drugs are developed, lab work continues to be dominated by out-of-date processes. Improving them isn’t going to move the dial. While they may help, they are not capable of producing the level of innovation that’s needed to take us to the next phase.

    Dec 16, 2022
  • Insilico Medicine’s AI-Driven Platform Pushes The Envelope Of Drug Discovery

    Bio-IT World | During a recent virtual unveiling party livestreamed from around the world, Insilico Medicine introduced the latest updates to Pharma.AI, its end-to-end drug discovery platform using generative artificial intelligence to discover new targets, design new molecules, and predict the outcome of clinical trials. Among the highlights were the addition of a knowledge graph to target discovery product PandaOmics and numerous new panels to generative chemistry engine Chemistry42.

    Dec 15, 2022
  • Insilico Medicine’s AI-Driven Platform Pushes The Envelope Of Drug Discovery

    Bio-IT World | During a recent virtual unveiling party livestreamed from around the world, Insilico Medicine introduced the latest updates to Pharma.AI, its end-to-end drug discovery platform using generative artificial intelligence to discover new targets, design new molecules, and predict the outcome of clinical trials. Among the highlights were the addition of a knowledge graph to target discovery product PandaOmics and numerous new panels to generative chemistry engine Chemistry42.

    Dec 15, 2022
  • In Virtual Trials, Two Alzheimer’s Drugs Do Poor Job Of Slowing Cognitive Decline

    Bio-IT World | Researchers from Duke, Penn State, and the University of Tennessee collaboratively built a mathematical model of Alzheimer’s disease that used real, de-identified patient data to simulate health outcomes from a pair of anti-amyloid-beta drugs. Notably, the virtual (aka in silico) clinical trials employed a computational approach that provides “individualized prescriptions” based on optimal timing and dosing of treatment while minimizing possible side effects.

    Dec 14, 2022
  • All of Us Announces First Return of Health-Related DNA Results

    Bio-IT World | The National Institutes of Health's All of Us Research Program has begun returning personalized health-related DNA results to more than 155,000 participants, with reports detailing whether participants have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their body might process certain medications.

    Dec 13, 2022
  • Pregnancy Exposome A New Frontier In Personalized Medicine

    Bio-IT World | The importance of the pregnancy exposome on health was explored in depth by Barbara Cohn, Ph.D., director and senior research scientist at the Public Health Institute, at the Mayo Clinic’s recent Individualizing Medicine Conference. She has been an integral part of a groundbreaking, multigenerational study examining the ripple effects of chemical exposures on pregnant women and their offspring and the potential for metabolomics to drive individualized prevention and treatment.

    Dec 13, 2022
  • Deeper Mining Of Proteomics Data Using Artificial Intelligence

    Bio-IT World | Advances in mass spectrometry, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, and bioinformatics have transformed proteomics research in recent years. The growing power of these technologies has contributed to the widespread application of bottom-up proteomics strategies, based on the characterization of proteins by analysis of peptides released through proteolytic digestion. However, challenges in proteomics data analysis remain, with traditional search strategies limiting the ability to fully interpret data.

    Dec 9, 2022
  • Data Product Thinking: Bayer Builds Products with Users in Mind

    Bio-IT World | Last month at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo Europe, Alexandra Grebe de Barron, senior data product owner, digital transformation & IT, introduced the audience to Bayer’s Real-World Data Store, a human- and machine-friendly self-service shop that facilitates real-world evidence generation across the life-long patient pathway.

    Dec 8, 2022
  • Efforts Now Underway To Operationalize Exposomics

    Bio-IT World | Truly implementing precision medicine requires that environmental exposures be factored into the equation. Mayo Clinic’s recent Individualizing Medicine Conference focused on exploring the exposome, the sum of external factors a person is exposed to across a lifetime.

    Dec 6, 2022
  • Digital Accessibility in the Life Sciences: Why Everyone Benefits from an Inclusive Industry

    Bio-IT World | As digital transformation in the life sciences industry continues, the user experiences (UX) of researchers and scientists interacting with technology and data is coming under closer scrutiny. One area where attention is needed is the role of UX in improving digital accessibility. Better UX for all users will drive innovation, helping to make connections between data and accelerating collaboration.

    Dec 2, 2022
  • IBM’s Quantum Computing Apps to Cure Disease, Nanofluidics Technology Controls Remote Drug Delivery in Space, More

    Bio-IT World | An artificial intelligence-based framework that assesses the effectiveness of novel cancer therapies in real time; three new AI-rare disease partnerships; a cross-border federated network of national genome collections for biomedical research and personalized medicine solutions; multi-scale precision cardiology platforms and heart-on-a-chip technology aimed at developing the infrastructure for a digital replica of an individual’s heart; and more.

    Nov 30, 2022
  • Follow the Money: Quantum Computer-Based AI for Drug Discovery, Insilico Medicine’s Multidisciplinary Drug Discovery Platform, More

    Bio-IT World | Funding for first-in-class peptide-drug conjugate for tumor cells, gene delivery research and development, next-generation orthopedic products, and more.

    Nov 29, 2022
  • Overcoming ‘Analysis Paralysis’ in Cell Painting With Artificial Intelligence

    Bio-IT World | Gone are the days of only measuring single parameters in cell-based experiments. When researchers widen their focus, the end result is an abundant collection of information about the cellular response to perturbations—all nestled within colorful high-content images.

    Nov 25, 2022
  • Atomic Changes: Reshaping our Data Journey in Small Steps

    Bio-IT World | Stan Gloss, founder of BioTeam, recently sat down with Mike Tarselli, Chief Scientific Officer at TetraScience, to chat about data for Bio-IT World’s Trends from the Trenches podcast and explore the most recent trends in how the life sciences is talking about and thinking about data.

    Nov 22, 2022
  • Clinical Exposomics Emerging As A Foundation For Precision Medicine

    Bio-IT World | High-resolution mass spectrometry methods are in principle “good enough” to put into clinics everywhere to measure low-abundance environmental chemicals and start cataloguing individual exposures. With a focus on the “exposome"—the measure of all the exposures of an individual in a lifetime and how those exposures relate to health—healthcare professionals are examining clinical exposomics as a foundation for precision medicine.

    Nov 17, 2022
  • Repository For Neuroimaging Data To Facilitate Cross-Disciplinary Research

    Bio-IT World | Scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University (Montreal, Canada) have created an open-source database, called “neuromaps,” housing more than 40 of the uncountably high number of brain maps in existence. The brain maps selected for aggregation were those thought to be most useful to the neuroimaging research community in contextualizing their results against structural and functional phenotypes.

    Nov 16, 2022
  • Repository For Neuroimaging Data To Facilitate Cross-Disciplinary Research

    Bio-IT World | Scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University (Montreal, Canada) have created an open-source database, called “neuromaps,” housing more than 40 of the uncountably high number of brain maps in existence. The brain maps selected for aggregation were those thought to be most useful to the neuroimaging research community in contextualizing their results against structural and functional phenotypes.

    Nov 16, 2022
  • Vision-Casting for a Digital Twin Future

    Bio-IT World | Digital twins are at a tipping point. Many of the enabling technologies are in place; what’s left now is to build a global community around enabling them. That was the challenge to the audience at last month’s Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, Europe.

    Nov 15, 2022
  • Unlocking Life Sciences Data Challenges With Knowledge Graphs

    Bio-IT World | The life sciences industry generates huge volumes of data each day. When left in its raw form, researchers and data scientists cannot sift through data quickly to answer pressing questions. By building a visual, interconnected network describing the relationships between existing data and knowledge entities, researchers can answer questions more quickly than ever before.

    Nov 11, 2022