• Pharma Trends: Less Pills, More Money

    Forbes | IMS Health today released a report through its Institute for Healthcare Informatics saying that overall spending on U.S. medicines dropped fell 3.5% in 2012.

    May 9, 2013
  • UPDATED: EMC Storage, Cloud, and Life Sciences Announcements

    Bio-IT World Roundup | EMC rolled out several announcements this week during their EMC World event including updates on their life sciences suite, network-attached storage, and hybrid clouds.

    May 8, 2013
  • Incidental Findings in the Genomic Age

    Huffington Post | The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics recommended that all labs doing genomic sequencing look at 57 genes for mutations that could cause one of 24 life-threatening, but treatable conditions. This is medicine in the genomic age.

    May 6, 2013
  • Win-Win Solution for Cancer Drugs

    Harvard Business Review | Cancer drugs are expensive to make and expensive for patients. Last week 100 cancer specialists published an op ed in Blood claiming that the high cost of drugs is preventing some patients from being treated. But there is a win-win solution.

    May 6, 2013
  • The Model Approach to Drug Development

    Bio-IT World | In a presentation at the Bio-IT World Expo last month, Anna Kondic of Merck & Co. highlighted some recent successes and shortfalls of computer models in the development of cancer drugs.

    May 6, 2013
  • Benchmarking Amazon's Cloud

    Computerworld | When it comes to benchmarking cloud performance, it's not a straightforward task. Everything from operating system to time of day can impact the results. Computerworld takes on Amazon's EC2 and compares types of instances and times of day across several benchmarks, several times. They report back which instances worked, which crashed, and where the variability might come from.

    May 3, 2013
  • Intel's New CEO, the Interconnect, and Cray

    HPC Wire | Intel announced a new CEO yesterday, signaling changes at the company.  Intel might now be more inclined to boost efforts with its QLogic and Cray products more aggressively.

    May 3, 2013
  • Foundation Medicine Partners with Memorial Sloan-Kettering on Genomic Diagnostic for Blood Cancers

    Bio-IT World | Foundation Medicine and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center today announced a partnership to release a molecular diagnostic product designed to match patients with hematologic cancers (leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma) with the most rational targeted therapies or clinical trials for their cancer. This new product will complement FoundationOne, Foundation Medicine’s first product launched last year, which offers a similar genomic profile for solid tumors.

    May 2, 2013
  • Mount Sinai Chooses Sapio LIMS

    Bio-IT World News Brief | Just a few months after the New York Genome Center chose Sapio's Exemplar LIMS as its primary lab management and electronic lab notebook (ELN), the Genomics Core Facility at The Mount Sinai Medical Center has followed suit.

    May 2, 2013
  • Kevin Davies on the HGP 10th Anniversary and the March to the $1,000 Genome

    Bio-IT World | On DNA Day, April 25, a parade of leading genome scientists gathered at NIH to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP). Rounding out an outstanding list of speakers, including NIH Director Francis Collins, ENCODE project leader Ewan Birney, Princeton geneticist David Botstein and experts in evolutionary and population genetics, healthcare and cancer, was Bio-IT World editor Kevin Davies.

    May 1, 2013
  • Amazon Offers Cloud Certification

    ComputerWorld | Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched a Global Certification Program to certify the technical skills associated with "building secure and reliable cloud-based applications using AWS technology," Amazon said.

    May 1, 2013
  • Back to Asia: A Sneak Peak of Bio-IT World Asia

    Bio-IT World | Bio-IT World is hosting its second annual Bio-IT World Asia event in Singapore at the end of May—expanded to five tracks. If the plush location at the Marina Bay Sands hotel wasn’t incentive enough, there are four days packed with essential life sciences programming covering IT infrastructure, the cloud, clinical and cancer genomics, bioinformatics and more.

    May 1, 2013
  • It’s Time for Wheels on the Big Data Sports Car

    Bio-IT World Guest Commentary | Our ‘always-on’ digital world has made data a key resource which is fundamentally changing our lives. We’re swimming in it—oceans of it. So why are we still bemoaning a lack of open access to decision-making data and an innovation deficit? Big Data is here, so how do we make sense of this brave new world?

    Apr 30, 2013
  • NIH Seeks New ADDition in a Data Science Director

    Bio-IT World | BETHESDA, MD—With two weeks left to the application deadline, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is still searching for the ideal candidate to fill a plumb new job in biomedical data science.

    Apr 29, 2013
  • NVIDIA Cancels Latest Kepler GPU Line

    SemiAccurate | SemiAccurate reports that NVIDIA has canceled its GK11x line in its Kepler GPU family, replacing it with a reworked GK10x. The rollback is a red flag for NVIDIA, SemiAccurate says.

    Apr 29, 2013
  • What the Thermo-Life Tech Deal Means for Illumina

    Xconomy | Luke Timmerman argues that the Thermo/Life Technologies deal is only good news for Illumina. Big mergers present organizational challenges, and while Thermo and Life and sorting out the details, Illumina can carry on with its market leading technology.

    Apr 29, 2013
  • Swing Batter, Batter: GPUs and Baseball

    Bio-IT World News Brief | A pair of researchers in Japan has used NVIDIA GPUs and the CUDA parallel programming model to create a 100,000-neuron simulation of the human cerebellum. And then they taught a robot to hit a baseball. The work was begun at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute, and was published online in Neural Networks last February.

    Apr 29, 2013
  • Sandy Aronson on GeneInsight

    Bio-IT World Video | Sandy Aronson, Executive Director of IT of the Partners HealthCare Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine (PCPGM), speaks with Bio-IT World Editor Kevin Davies about the GeneInsight IT platform.

    Apr 26, 2013
  • Personalizing an End to Cancer

    Bio-IT World | BOSTONIn a presentation marked by equal parts melancholy and excitement, Dr. Kevin Hrusovsky spoke at the 2013 Bio-IT World Expo on some of the recent advancements and setbacks in cancer therapeutics.

    Apr 26, 2013
  • Big Data, Big Loopholes

    Computerworld | Big data can be a big security headache. The biggest security loophole? The Hadoop cluster, according to security company Zettaset.

    Apr 25, 2013