• Updates from the Genome in a Bottle Consortium

    Bio-IT World | At the Next Generation Dx Summit in Washington, DC, Justin Zook of the National Institute of Standards and Technology discussed the pace of progress at the Genome in a Bottle Consortium, including new reference materials and the project's role in FDA evaluation of next-generation sequencing technologies.

    Aug 25, 2014
  • Illumina to Support 'Companion Therapeutics' in Oncology

    Bio-IT World News Brief | Illumina today announced collaborations with AstraZeneca, Sanofi, and Janssen Biotech, to participate in patient stratification for the development of new cancer drugs by offering a multi-gene panel that covers key cancer mutations.

    Aug 21, 2014
  • Seven Bridges Introduces Open Source Cancer Genomics Workflow

    Bio-IT World | After presenting an open source pipeline for analyzing cancer genomes at Cold Spring Harbor this May, Seven Bridges is seeking hospital and lab partners to test the system in a clinical setting.

    Aug 20, 2014
  • GeneDx Seeks Invalidation of Myriad's BRCA Patents

    Bio-IT World News Brief | GeneDx, a commercial genetic diagnostics lab located in Gaithersburg, Maryland, this week filed eleven petitions to invalidate patent claims held by Myriad Genetics, adding another new thread to the increasingly complicated web of litigation surrounding Myriad.

    Aug 20, 2014
  • A Sensitive Tool for Detecting Indels

    Bio-IT World News Brief | A team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has released an open source algorithm, called Scalpel, for finding insertions and deletions in next generation sequencing data sets, and published a paper in Nature Methods using this tool to identify mutations in children affected by autism.

    Aug 18, 2014
  • Could Pharma Companies Succeed in the Digital Health Market?

    Forbes | Jason Bloomberg speaks to pharma executives and industry observers who believe top drug companies could soon focus more of their efforts on creating electronic health platforms, collecting user data and to more precisely define disease risks and personalize prevention and treatment.

    Aug 18, 2014
  • New Alignment Method to Speed Up De Novo Assembly of Whole Genomes

    Bio-IT World News Brief | A paper posted this week to the preprint server bioRxiv describes MHAP, a new tool that can reportedly assemble whole genomes de novo from long-read sequencing data hundreds of times faster than previous workflows.

    Aug 15, 2014
  • FDA Plans to Introduce Web Portal for Tracking Device Submissions

    Regulatory Focus | The FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) is piloting a program that would let companies track the progress of medical devices and diagnostic tests submitted for premarket approval through the agency's review process.

    Aug 15, 2014
  • Transcriptic Aims to Make the Biology Lab Programmable

    Bio-IT World | The Menlo Park startup Transcriptic is now hiring out its robotics lab to automate life science tasks — but its real innovation is a programming interface that lets users customize their lab procedures down to the smallest pipetting step.

    Aug 13, 2014
  • Modular Brain Model Joins Neurons in Three Dimensions

    New York Times | Scientists at Tufts University have produced a three-dimensional model of the brain in which rat neurons can be grown for months at a time in the lab.

    Aug 12, 2014
  • Pistoia Alliance Forms Expert Group on Controlled Substance Legislation

    Bio-IT World News Brief | The Pistoia Alliance, an industry group that addresses non-competitive problems shared by stakeholders in drug development, today announced the launch of an expert community to streamline how pharma companies and their partners track the laws governing the use and distribution of chemical substances worldwide.

    Aug 11, 2014
  • Pharma Investors Express Support for Biosimilars

    Pharmalot | A large investor group has been circulating a document asking pharmaceutical companies to pledge certain measures to foster the takeup of biosimilars in the U.S., including the acknowledgement of safety data from Europe.

    Aug 11, 2014
  • DNAnexus, AllSeq Share HiSeq X Ten Data

    Bio-IT World News Brief | The Garvan Institute, one of the earliest users of the "$1000 genome" HiSeq X Ten platform, has provided two whole genome datasets for public analysis, through a partnership with DNAnexus and AllSeq.

    Aug 8, 2014
  • Data Virtualization Powers Next Generation Sample Intelligence

    Bio-IT World Contributed Commentary | With more than one billion samples stored in biobanks around the world, research advancements, genomics and biomarker development, and reduced research budgets are all driving the need for unified sample intelligence.

    Aug 8, 2014
  • The Genomics of Infectious Diseases

    Bio-IT World | The Genome Center for Infectious Diseases (GCID) at the University of Maryland in Baltimore is dedicated to bringing new genomics technologies to bear on the bacteria, fungi, and parasites that cause disease in humans and livestock. One of the first targets: artemesinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes the most deadly type of malaria

    Aug 7, 2014
  • Tumor Cells Shedding their DNA Fingerprints

    Nature News | Circulating tumor DNA--released into the blood when a tumor cell dies--has the potential to tell us far more about the various mutations in cancers than just tissue biopsies.

    Aug 5, 2014
  • NIH Announces Last Round of Advanced DNA Sequencing Grants

    Bio-IT World News Brief | A new four-year program of grants to organizations developing DNA sequencing technologies, totaling $14.5 million, will bring to a close the Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology initiative that has been funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute for over a decade.

    Aug 5, 2014
  • 100,000 Genomes Project Expected to Meet Goal with New Funding

    Science Insider | U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that Genomics England, the publicly-owned company created one year ago with the mission of sequencing 100,000 human genomes, will receive the funding to reach its goal by the end of 2017.

    Aug 4, 2014
  • What You Need to Know About the FDA's Push to Regulate Laboratory Developed Tests

    Bio-IT World | On Thursday afternoon, the FDA announced that it plans, for the first time, to regulate laboratory developed tests in the same way it does other diagnostics. Bio-IT World looks at the proposed regulations and what comes next.

    Aug 1, 2014
  • Craig Venter on the State of Genomics

    Technology Review | Craig Venter talked to MIT's Technology Review about genomics and  his new hire--the former head of Google Translate. When asked about how we're doing in genomics, Venter was terse.

    Aug 1, 2014