Searching for Common Ground in Autism Genetics
Wired | Researchers including Evan Eichler and David Ledbetter are looking at groups of people with autism and searching for common underlying genetics.
Nov 25, 2014
OK Go to Issue Album on DNA
The New Yorker | Alt-rock band OK Go, a Grammy-winning group best known for its elaborate Youtube music videos, is enlisting the help of UCLA synthetic biologist Sri Kosuri to encode its latest album, "Hungry Ghosts," on a DNA molecule.
Nov 24, 2014
American Biotech Start-Ups Head To China For Capital Partners
Forbes | Several US biotechs are finding their funding needs met by venture firms from China.
Nov 24, 2014
BioNano Closes Big Funding Round on Back of Key Irys Sales
Bio-IT World News Brief | BioNano Genomics, a company headquartered in San Diego whose Irys instrument maps large structural variation in DNA samples, has announced a $53 million Series C financing round, to be invested in international expansion.
Nov 21, 2014
NCBI Breaks Its Annotation Record
NCBI | NCBI's Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline has completed the annotation of more than 100 organisms so far in 2014. 81 of the annotations thus far have been first annotations.
Nov 21, 2014
Illumina and bioMérieux to Pinpoint Pathogens with Next Gen Sequencing
Bio-IT World News Brief | BioMérieux, a French-headquartered biotech specializing in diagnostics and microbe detection, has announced a partnership with sequencing giant Illumina to create next generation sequencing tests for tracking pathogens during local outbreaks.
Nov 19, 2014
Splash of Cold Water for Clinical Genomics at Cold Spring Harbor Personal Genomes Meeting
Bio-IT World | At last week's Personal Genomes meeting at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a debate over the evidence bar for using genetic tests threw into relief some of the stubborn questions around personal genomes' clinical utility.
Nov 19, 2014
Coming by 2023 an exascale supercomputer in the U.S.
Computerworld | The U.S. has set 2023 as the target date for producing the next great leap in supercomputing, if its plans aren't thwarted by two presidential and four Congressional elections between now and then.
Nov 19, 2014
Shire to Move US HQ and 500 Jobs to Greater Boston
Pharmalot | Shire is shifting U.S. headquarters, 500 jobs and some of its most important operations from suburban Philadelphia to the greater Boston area.
Nov 19, 2014
How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Drug
Pharmalot | Later today, the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development will release a report that will take yet another stab at determining the true cost of developing a medicine. In the meantime, Ed Silverman is running a poll.
Nov 18, 2014
Top500 Supercomputer Listing With Minimal Changes
Computerworld | The latest Top500 list is out, but only one new system made it into the top ten. The Chinese Tiahne-2 has kept its number on position for the fourth time, even though it has not changed its computing power.
Nov 17, 2014
Vytorin, LDL-Targeting Drugs Work
Bio-IT World Roundup | The results of the IMPROVE-IT trial were announced today, a seven-year study looking at whether Merck's Vytorin and Zetia pills actually prevent heart attack. The answer: yes. At least some.
Nov 17, 2014
National Labs Buying Next-Gen IBM Supercomputer
Nature | Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California announced today their plans to upgrade to a next-generation IBM supercomputer that will run at 150 petaflops.
Nov 14, 2014
Google Increases Award in 'Nobel' Prize of Computing
Mashable | Google has raised the stakes in the A.M. Turing Award, offering $1 million. The annual awards recognize "major contributions of lasting importance to computing," and until now have included a cash prize of $250,000.
Nov 14, 2014
IBM Invests in Pathway Genomics' Watson-Powered Health App
Bio-IT World | Pathway Genomics yesterday announced an investment from IBM to launch Pathway Panorama, a health-focused mobile app powered by IBM’s Watson’s natural language processing technology and fed by data from Pathway Genomics’ genetic tests.
Nov 13, 2014
Inactivated Protein Lowers Risk of Coronary Heart Disease by 53%
Bio-IT World | A sequencing study published tomorrow in the New England Journal of Medicine has further characterized the activity of the Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 protein (NPC1L1). Carriers of inactivating mutations of NPC1L1 were found to have a 53% lower risk of coronary heart disease and an average LDL cholesterol level 12 mg per deciliter lower than that of noncarriers.
Nov 12, 2014
De Novo Human Genome Assembly Using Long Reads
Bio-IT World News Brief | Evan Eichler of the University of Washington and colleagues have published a paper in Nature detailing a new whole human genome assembly, using the long-reading SMRT sequencing technology of Pacific Biosciences.
Nov 10, 2014
Breakthrough Prizes Highlight CRISPR Gene Editing, Gene Regulation
Bio-IT World | Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, co-discoverers of the CRISPR-Cas9 mechanism that has swiftly become a groundbreaking tool in genetic engineering, are among this year's winners of the $3 million Breakthrough Prizes in the Life Sciences awarded by a coalition of tech billionaires.
Nov 10, 2014
BaseHealth CEO Jorge Velarde Speaks About the New Market for Genomic Health
Bio-IT World | As a new crop of patient-facing genomic health companies adjusts to cheaper DNA data and more intense FDA oversight, Jorge Velarde, a former Illumina executive and the new CEO of BaseHealth, tells Bio-IT World what we can expect from this second wave of interest in our genomes' influence on health.
Nov 7, 2014
Genome Storage for $25
Technology Review | Google Genomics says it is storing at least 3,500 genomes at the rate of $25 per genome per year. The analytics cost extra.
Nov 6, 2014