1CellBio to Offer Dual-Indexed Library Design Capability for inDrop™ System to Improve Throughput and Cost-Effectiveness for Large-Scale Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Studies

July 14, 2020

New BMC Genomics publication validates novel TruDrop approach developed in collaboration with scientists at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and RootPath Genomics

WATERTOWN, MA, UNITED STATES - Jul 14, 2020 - 1CellBio, Inc., announced today a new dual indexed library design capability that improves costs, throughput and data quality for its inDrop™ single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) System. The TruDrop capability was developed in collaboration with scientists from the laboratory of Ken Lau, PhD, Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and RootPath Genomics. The approach was described in a new BMC Genomics manuscript entitled, “Dual indexed library design enables compatibility of in-Drop single-cell RNA-sequencing with exAMP chemistry sequencing platforms.” 


“The TruDrop approach enables us to use newer sequencing technologies such that single-cell studies on large patient cohorts are now possible,” said Dr. Lau.


The TruDrop dual indexed library design capability integrates seamlessly with the current inDrop workflow and can be used for a diverse range of clinical, pharmaceutical and biological research applications. inDrop customers will be able to overcome index hopping and other common platform compatibility challenges by running TruDrop and standard Illumina libraries alongside each other on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000. As part of the study, the team of scientists demonstrated significant improvements in base-calling accuracy on the NovaSeq and provided an example of multiplexing 24 scRNA-seq libraries simultaneously. The high multiplexing enables researchers to conduct larger-scale scRNA-seq experiments or query more cells per experiment.


“In order to realize many of the advantages of the latest Illumina NGS platforms, scRNA-seq libraries must utilize a multiplex sequencing strategy that adequately addresses the problem of index hopping,” said Lauren Quigley, PhD, 1CellBio scientist and a senior author of the study. “The unique TruDrop and inDrop combination solves this problem and provides lower base call error rates, enabling scientists to generatbioe high-quality data from hundreds of samples more cost-effectively than before.”


To read the full BMC Genomics manuscript, please visit



About 1CellBio

1CellBio Inc. is a leading single-cell analysis company serving the biomedical research community. The company’s flagship inDrop™ System, a high-resolution, single-cell transcriptomics platform, delivers greater experimental control, rare actionable information and lower overall cost per result compared to all other existing platforms. Research laboratories around the world are now adopting the platform for a wide range of single-cell applications from tumor profiling to stem cells to embryo development to the identification and validation of new drug targets. Founded by a group of prominent scientists at Harvard University, 1CellBio is based in Watertown, Mass., and the company supports its growing number of customers through a team of international sales and field application scientists. For more information, please visit www.1cell-bio.com.


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