Pharma Companies Reshape Focus In R&D

July 27, 2017

By Bio-IT World Staff

July 27, 2017 | Rare diseases have found themselves on the chopping block after a spate of pharma reorganizations.

Alexion announced today that it plans to conclude its partnership contract with Moderna, one of several actions Alexion announced today as it reshapes its Research & Development (R&D) strategy. Specifically related to Moderna, Alexion is discontinuing existing preclinical programs that fall outside of the company’s complement franchise, including mRNA therapies, in order to align its portfolio with its redefined R&D strategy.

This news comes a day after Endpoints reported on GlaxoSmithKline’s announcement to partner out or simply drop 30 preclinical and clinical programs, streamlining R&D and other operations in the global operation, and two days after both Eli Lily and Biogen made similar moves in R&D.