Hannes Smarason On The Future Of The Platform For WuXi NextCODE

April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 |  “We’re taking a slightly broader view of the world than we perhaps have done in the past,” Hannes Smarason, WuXi NextCode’s newly-minted CEO, told Diagnostics World earlier this month. That’s almost a challenge for a company with outposts in Reykjavik, Iceland; Shanghai, China; and Cambridge, Massachusetts, and whose provenance traces back to DeCODE Genetics on the Icelandic side and WuXi AppTech on the Chinese side.  

“The vision we have is to essentially enable anyone to use the genome across a multitude of applications. That could be anything from research, to clinical diagnostics, to health and wellness,” he said. The term he favors: a Contract Genomics Organization, an underlying platform for genomic data that brings together everything needed to empower healthcare.

Read the full story at Diagnostics World.