The Human Vaccines Project, Vanderbilt, And Illumina Collaborate To Decode The Human Immunome

April 12, 2017

By Bio-IT World Staff

April 12, 2017 | The Human Vaccines Project and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) announced this week that they joined forces with Illumina to decipher the human immunome, the genetic underpinnings of the immune system.

Illumina will provide the genetic sequencing technologies and expertise required to process the massive amounts of data required to decode the human immunome.

The Human Vaccines Project is a public-private partnership of academic research centers, industry, non-profits and government agencies that aims to decode the human immune system to accelerate development of next-generation vaccines and immunotherapies. A core initiative of the Project is the Human Immunome Program, an internationally led effort by VUMC to determine key principles of how the human immune system prevents and controls disease by illuminating the complete set of genes and molecular structures known as the human immunome.

“By decoding the human immune system, we have the potential to uncover novel diagnostic biomarkers for a wide range of diseases,” wrote James Crowe Jr., director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Center and lead investigator of the Human Immunome Program, in a statement. “This will enable the development of highly targeted vaccines and immunotherapies against infectious and non-communicable diseases like AIDS, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and cancer.”

Due to its scale and complexity, the human immunome is estimated to be billions of times larger than the human genome. With recent technological advances from biomedical and computational sciences, it is now possible to undertake such a mammoth genetic sequencing and data analysis program.

The launch of the Project’s Human Immunome Program was announced in June 2016. The long-term global study, which is coordinated by the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, will genetically sequence the receptors from B and T immune cells from individuals varied by age, gender, genetics, geography, and disease states. Results will be shared as an open-sourced database to the global scientific community.

This multi-institutional effort is also supported by the Human Vaccines Project Bioinformatics and Data Management Core, located at the J. Craig Venter Institute and the San Diego Super Computer Center at the University of California, San Diego. The Core will analyze the enormous data sets generated by the effort.