Paul Allen Foundation Grants $7m in Alzheimer's Grants

July 14, 2015

By Bio-IT World Staff 

July 14, 2015 | The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation announced five Allen Distinguished Investigator (ADI) grants to teams of researchers with projects that will open new and innovative avenues of research in Alzheimer’s disease.

The projects are funded at a total of $7 million over three years.

Despite widespread research into treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, there is a staggering 99.6% failure rate in clinical trials to bring new treatments to market.

“We cannot hope to fight Alzheimer’s until we understand the basic biology that underlies the onset and progression of disease,” says Tom Skalak, Ph.D., Executive Director for Science and Technology for the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation in a statement. “The Allen Distinguished Investigator projects will provide crucial fresh direction in Alzheimer’s disease research, in part because they include team member perspectives both from within and outside the Alzheimer’s field. We know that these kinds of creative, cutting-edge projects will produce new diagnostics, treatments or even cures for this devastating disease.”

The new ADI recipients are:


  • Ragnhildur Thora Karadottir, University of Cambridge ($1.3 million) 
  • Jeff Iliff and William Rooney, Oregon Health and Science University ($1.4 million) 
  • Fred “Rusty” Gage, Salk Institute ($1.5 million) 
  • Aimee Kao, University of California, San Francisco ($1.3 million) 
  • Michael Keiser, Martin Kampmann and David Kokel, University of California, San Francisco($1.4 million) 
For more details on the winning teams and their projects, see the press release