June Free Trials and Downloads

June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012 | Free Trials and Downloads for June.

Company: Agilent
Product: GeneSpring 12.0
Description: GeneSpring 12.0 with the new integrated Pathway Architect module enables analysis of next-generation sequencing data and joint analysis at the pathway level across multiple “omics” platforms, expanding on existing GeneSpring modules for transcriptomic, genetic, metabolomic and proteomic data analysis.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeAgilent 

Company: Metaome
Product: DistilBio
Description: With a focus on simplicity DistilBio, a Web based semantic search and data integration platform, enables a paradigm shift in the way scientists and decision makers search and retrieve data in the life sciences.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeDistilBio 

Company: Biomatters
17 Product: Geneious Microsatellite Plugin
Description: The Geneious Microsatellite Plugin has a simple interface to guide you through a workflow from import to allele calls in no time at all.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeGeneious 

Company: Novocraft
Product: Novoalign
Description: Novoalign is an aligner for single-ended and paired-end reads from the Illumina Genome Analyser. Novoalign finds global optimum alignments using full Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with affine gap penalties.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeNovocraft 

Company: SimuGen
Product: HT-Xpress
Description: HT-Xpress is a quick, cost-effective toxicity screen that combines gene expression and HCS data to assess a compound's acute toxicity, hepatotoxicity and carcinogenesis risk profile in a quick and cost-effective way.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeSimuGen 

Company: Symmetric Computing
Product: Trio Departmental Supercomputer
Description: Our 192-core Trio Departmental Supercomputer (1.8 TeraFLOPS) offers 1.5 TB of shared memory—ideal for bioinformatics and life science applications and data sets.
Try it for Free: http://bit.ly/FreeSymmetric 

Company: Rescentris, a division of ELN Technologies, Inc.
Product: Collaborative Electronic Research Framework (CERF) v4.5
Description: CERF4.5 is a collaborative ELN for biology researchers in academic, industry and non-profit organizations requiring flexible, powerful data management and compliance tools on native Windows/Mac desktops and browsers.
Try if for Free: http://bit.ly/FreeRescentris 

Company: Brainloop
Product: Brainloop Secure Dataroom
Description: Brainloop offers a highly secure online workspace for drug partnering plus collaboration on clinical trials, regulatory filings, manufacturing. Fast setup and prevent printing, forwarding, saving.
Try it for Free: http://bit.ly/FreeBrainloop

Feature Your Free Download To have your free download listed on this page, contact Allison Proffitt, Managing Editor, at aproffitt@healthtech.com. Bio-IT World Free Trials and Downloads run monthly on the first Thursday of the month.