Twitter Highlights from Bio-IT World Keynotes

April 24, 2012

April 25, 2012 | The 10th Anniversary of the Bio-IT World Conference and Expo kicked off yesterday evening. With over 2,500 registered attendees, the anniversary event is already proving to be a record breaker. Opening keynote presentations by Jill P. Mesirov, Associate Director and Chief Informatics Officer; Director, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics and Martin Leach, CIO, both of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard were chronicled by hundreds of tweets, highlights excerpted here (in reverse chronological order). You can follow the full Twitter conversation via the #BioIT12 hashtag.    

mndoci: Met lots of old colleagues/friends at #bioit12 and I was only there a few hours  

Personal_RX_WI: Pondering opening talks from #BioIT12. I'm not sure that a software app/pipeline can ever be more then 50% of the solution for clinical WGS  

umassvdc: Broad Institute keynoters: "Why don't we have Google search for data?" #BioIT12  

bioitworld: ML: Why don't we have Google search for data? Need more examples like GenomeSpace. #BioIT12  

RyanMFierce: The Broad Institute has 45-50 IT people to support research. Not an insignificant # Not many R&D groups in academia can match that. #bioIT12  

cnitsche: #bioit12 Martin Leach (Broad Institute) asks Why do we not have a Google for actual data?  

tarneman: @mdleach, we need a scientific app ecosystem. #BioIT12  

LifeSciSoft: The EMC2 guys love Hadoop... And LEDs. #BioIT12  

mndoci: RT @mza: Integrated genomics tools and collaboration on the #aws cloud - Explore GenomeSpace: #BioIT12  

braincode: #BioIT12 @scilifelab we just calculated the .bcl file size … same approach over there @broadinstitute ?  

bioitworld: ML: if we can do 1 million genomes, why not 1 billion, 6 billion? The humanity genome project? #BioIT12  

bioitworld: Martin Leach (Broad CIO): Broad hit 10 Petabytes spinning disk last December. Not that big in the scheme of things however. #BioIT12  

intrepidbio: "@RyanMFierce: @broadinstitute releasing beta of informatics tools in Amazon's cloud." That's pretty cool. #BioIT12  

speakman: T @rmadams: Jill Mesirov at #bioit12 - GenomeSpace is a great idea! Getting a running start with Cytoscape, geWorkbench, Reactome, supported by #caBIG  

mmreich: @genomespace talk Wednesday 4:45 Bioinformatics track. Also see the GenomeSpace poster #62 #BioIT12  

PrometheusRsrch: In 1993, 16 Gigabytes was "Big Data". - Martin Leach #bioit12  

mmreich: GenomeSpace: connects Cytoscape, Galaxy, GenePattern, IGV, UCSC, Genomica, InSilicoDB - Beta launch this week! #BioIT12  

davidweisss: @InSilicoDB pioneer @genomespace data provider presented at #BioIT12 keynote by @broadinstitute Jill Mesirov!  

RyanMFierce: Jill Mesirov of the Broad drives home integration and analysis of genomic, proteomic and other data types key to gaining insights #bioIT12  

nagunak: #bioit12 10 petabytes of data at broad  

keesvanbochove: Finally we hear some more details about @genomespace at today's keynote lecture at #BioIT12. There will be a beta release this week!  

nagunak: #bioit12 ml big data not so big in the scheme of things  

nagunak: #bioit12 martin leach -  

intrepidbio: We feature open architecture w/ exposed web service APIs, & data when put there may be shared publicly, @cnitsche. @Blancahimes #BioIT12  

tarneman: Go Martin! #BioIT12  

JoeStanganelli: So @mdleach is about to give his much-anticipated keynote at #BioIT12.  

PrometheusRsrch: - a neat proj. An integrated platform of informatics tools that handles repositories via "frictionless" xfer #bioit12  

bioitworld: JM: Six seed tools -- Cytoscape, Galaxy, Genepattern, IGV, UCSC browser, Genomica. Beta version launches this week. Users wanted! #BioIT12  

rmadams: Jill Mesirov at #bioit12 - GenomeSpace is a great idea! Getting a running start with Cytoscape, geWorkbench, Reactome, supported by #caBIG  

nagunak: #bioit12 sign up for beta for the new tools new collaborators and new apis  

RyanMFierce: The Broad Institute releasing beta this week of GenomeSpace, an online community of informatics tools hosted in Amazon's cloud #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: Genomespace reaching out to other collaborators to add projects #BioIT12  

umassvdc: #BioIT12 draws 2,500 from 30 countries. Keynote about integrating thousands of bioinformatics tools. Check out @genomespace.  

intrepidbio: MT "@CHI_Healthtech: RT @bioitworld: Jill Mesirov: @broadinstitute producing 150 terabases & 2 petabytes data/yr" #BigData. #BioIT12  

Personal_RX_WI: GenomeSpace from Broad. Online community to share computational tools whilst retaining their individuality #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: genomespace seeded with cytoscape, galaxy, genepattern, genomica, igv, ucsc browser #BioIT12  

mcaccamo: JM just described what I call the "Bioinformatics crisis" after the software crisis in the 60's #BioIT12  

bioitworld: JM: A cooperative project called GenomeSpace to operate diverse comp tools. Goal to bring tools to ' fingertips' of biologists #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: Possible solutions for interoperability motivated creation of genomespace #BioIT12  

cnitsche: #bioit12 Jill Mesitov notes that challenge is the proliferation of non-interoperable tools that handle the flood of data  

bioitworld: JM: Broad distributes 60 bioinformatics tools. Transitions between tools often need scripting by hand, not widely practical #BioIT12  

PrometheusRsrch: 7000 different Bioinformatics Tools and 5000 different Data Repositories on the web - Jill Mesirov #bioit12  

mcaccamo: JM: 7000+ bioinformatics tools available for download -- are we spoilt for choice? #BioIT12  

finchtalk: #BioIT12 JM depends on how you count, they found 7k-12k bioinformatics tools and 5k databases!  

Blancahimes: JM: challenge to integrate datatypes and make use of many available tools. Broad alone distributes 60 bioinformatics tools #BioIT12  

bioitworld: JM: integrative model for medulloblastoma rescues 40% patients and shows great promise for clinical translation #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: model has promise for clinical translation with detailed info for clinicians #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: 2011 integrative model generalized to ind test set with AUROC of 0.80 #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: 2011 medulloblastoma study used 7 datatypes, pathways, more complex model. Using many more samples and ind validation set #BioIT12  

PrometheusRsrch: "Must make complex workflows available to all biologists, not just the anointed, programming few" Jill Mesirov #nodsheadsvigorously #bioit12  

JoeStanganelli: It's only the first day of #BioIT12, but already data mining, management, and analysis are major recurring themes.  

eleanorahowe: Mesirov: computation must be accessible to biologists, not just programmers. Me: Yes, but biologists should also learn to program! #BioIT12  

bioitworld: JM reels off half-a-dozen examples of integrative genomics -- gene expression, RNAi, CNVs, epigenomics, pathways and clinical data #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: Highlighting integrative studies from Broad. Includes first GSEA #BioIT12  

rdurvasula: #BioIT12 keynote Jill Mesirov, what we need: integrative genomics  

nagunak: #bioit12 more complex algorithms to make available to all biologists not the anointed few Jill Mesurov  

braincode: #BioIT12, @broadinstitute claims 150Tbasepairs produced, @scilifelab is around 40Tbasepairs... I wonder how ppl calculate those ?  

finchtalk: #BioIT12 JM trends: shift to sequencing, integrative approaches, larger projects, systems biology.  

Blancahimes: JM: focusing on complex workflow and algorithm challenges #BioIT12  

bioitworld: JM: shift in data acquisition to sequencing; much more functional pathway data . #BioIT12  

mcaccamo: Jill Mesirov: "digital data (ie sequencing) beats analogous noisy data" #BioIT12  

tarneman: RT @rdurvasula: Jill Mesirov of #BroadInstitute kicks off #BioIT12. Synopsis of a decade of progress in #genomics  

Blancahimes: JM: Concurrent with sequence data explosion, shifts in science focus. Increase in integrative approaches. #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: Computation is integral to every aspect of biomedical research #BioIT12  

bioitworld: Jill Mesirov: Broad producing 150 terabases and 2 petabytes data/yr #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM: <1GB in 1999, >150TB per year now #BioIT12  

rdurvasula: Jill Mesirov of #BroadInstitute kicks off #BioIT12. Synopsis of a decade of progress in #genomics  

Blancahimes: JM: TCGA 1000 whole genomes; 9000 exomes sequenced #BioIT12  

Blancahimes: JM, CIO of Broad: progress since HGP completion overview #BioIT12  

Personal_RX_WI: Sanjay Joshi: map of location of historic to present Seattle genomics players; a small community #BioIT12  

davemhenry: I like the spirit here at #BioIT12. I see exhibitors lending each other tools to help with last-minute set-up.   

JoeStanganelli: Boston, appropriately, is the #1 life sciences #hub. #BioIT12  

braincode: Keynote #bioit12 by EMC Isilon: "Technology is the systems biology of the people"  

finchtalk: #bioit12 Sanjay Joshi from Isilon warms up. Claims 2012 sequencing capacity is an exabyte.  

Personal_RX_WI: #BioIT12 busy busy; in the overflow room  

finchtalk: #bioit12 kicks off with keynotes from Martin Leach and Jill Mesirov of the Broad Inst.   

SriniChari: At opening keynote #BioIT12 packed auditorium 10th anniversary. Over 2500 attendees Boston weather outstanding  

cnitsche: #bioIT12 Great turnout for keynote. Looking forward to a productive conference!  

BioAustralia: Here at #bioit12 in Boston - excited to learn more and find out the newest and latest!  

KevinADavies: Reliably informed that registrations for Bio-IT Expo up to 2,550 and counting. This meeting is snowballing beautifully. #BioIT12  

fdmts: #BioIT12 let the games begin. #cloud #bigdata #democratizedsequencing #clinicalgenome #CLIA BINGO!