Amazon Announces Asia Pac Beanstalk Expansion, Rumors of Data Centers in Sydney, Hong Kong

April 23, 2012

April 24, 2012 | Yesterday, Amazon announced that it is expanding the availabilty of the AWS Elastic Beanstalk to Japan, making the service available to developers in the US East and now Asia Pacific regions. Amazon's Jeff Barr described the Elastic Beanstalk to Bio-IT World as a simple way to deploy/manage applications last November when the initative was new. With the Japan service announcement, Saad Ladki, Beanstalk product manager, highlights some "hidden gem" features on the AWS Blog. Meanwhile, some predictions have surfaced for the location of Amazon's newest data centers that support the cloud. Based on filed internet documents called SWIPs, Wired posits that Amazon's newest data centers may be near Sydney and Hong Kong.