April Free Trials and Downloads

April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012 | Free Trials and Downloads 

Company: Biomatters
Product: Geneious Microsatellite Plugin
Description: The Geneious Microsatellite Plugin has a simple interface to guide you through a workflow from import to allele calls in no time at all.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeGeneious  

Company: Novocraft
Product: Novoalign
Description: Novoalign is an aligner for single-ended and paired-end reads from the Illumina Genome Analyser. Novoalign finds global optimum alignments using full Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with affine gap penalties.
Try it for free: http://bit.ly/FreeNovocraft  

Company: SimuGen
Product: HT-Xpress
Description: HT-Xpress is a quick, cost-effective toxicity screen that combines gene expression and HCS data to assess a compound's acute toxicity, hepatotoxicity and carcinogenesis risk profile in a quick and cost-effective way.
Try it for free:

Company: Symmetric Computing
Product: Trio Departmental Supercomputer
Description: Our 192-core Trio Departmental Supercomputer (1.8 TeraFLOPS) offers 1.5 TB of shared memory—ideal for bioinformatics and life science applications and data sets.
Try it for Free: 

Company: Rescentris, a division of ELN Technologies
Product: Collaborative Electronic Research Framework (CERF) v4.5
Description: CERF4.5 is a collaborative ELN for biology researchers in academic, industry and non-profit organizations requiring flexible, powerful data management and compliance tools on native Windows/Mac desktops and browsers.
Try if for Free:

Company: Accelrys
Product: Draw
Description: Accelrys Draw enables scientists to draw and edit complex molecules and chemical reactions with ease, facilitating the collaborative searching, viewing, communicating and archiving of scientific information.
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Company: ARX
Product: CoSign Digital Signatures
Description: CoSign is the most widely-deployed digital signature solution in the Life Sciences industry, employed by over 20,000 FDA-regulated organizations.
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Company: Denodo Technologies
Products: Denodo Platform
Description: Denodo Data Virtualization abstracts data from enterprise, Web/Cloud and unstructured data sources and combines it into a “virtual” data layer that fulfills critical information needs, faster with fewer resources.  Life Sciences companies use Denodo to deliver real-time data services to power research, clinical, compliance and sales initiatives. 
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Feature Your Free Download To have your free download listed, contact Allison Proffitt, Managing Editor, at aproffitt@healthtech.com. Bio-IT World Free Trials and Downloads runs on the first Thursday of the month.