March New Products

March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012 | New products in clinical trials, sequencing analysis, storage, chromatography and more from across the industry.  

New Entry-Level Storage for Biotechs  

DataDirect Networks today announced the newest additions to DDN’s SFA10K family: the 10K-M Block Appliance and 10K-ME ExaScaler and GridScaler Appliances. The 10K-M will be available March 30th with either 8Gb/s Fibre Channel or 40 Gb/s Infiniband QDR block target interfaces. SFA10K-ME features DDN’s In-Storage Processing technology, and is built with high-speed server virtualization technology to co-locate big data applications closest to data and eliminate the need for storage processing and networking.  SFA10K-ME configurations, featuring InfiniBand or Ethernet connection, can be optionally configured to support DDN’s GridScaler and ExaScaler parallel file system software to scale file system performance beyond 1TB/s and volume capacity beyond 10 petabytes. As a high-speed block storage appliance, the SFA10K-M, featuring InfiniBand or Fibre Channel connection, can be configured to deliver up to 10GB/s in only 20U and supports up to 720TB of capacity and can be scaled-out with any of DDN’s file storage offerings as a modular big data building block. To support the product introduction, DDN is announcing a 3 month introductory price for the SFA10K-M which starts at $100,000.   

Product: SFA10K-M and SFA10K-ME
Company: DDN
For more information:  

Ultra Chromatography  

Waters Corporation’s new ACQUITY UPC^2 System was awarded the 2012 Pittcon Editors’ Gold Award as the best new product at the 2012 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Employing the principle of UltraPerformance Convergence Chromatography (UPC^2), ACQUITY UPC2 System expands the boundaries of reverse phase liquid chromatography (LC) and of gas chromatography (GC) separations and offers a replacement option for normal phase chromatography.  ACQUITY UPC^2 provides scientists with an indispensable new tool for tackling tough-to-analyze compounds including hydrophobic and chiral compounds, lipids, thermally-labile samples and polymers across a wide range of applications.  

Product: ACQUITY UPC^2 System
Company: Waters
For more information:  

High Dynamic Range Detector for Liquid Chromatography  

Agilent Technologies has introduced the 1200 Infinity Series high dynamic range diode array detector for liquid chromatography. It delivers 30 times wider linear UV-range and up to 30 times higher sensitivity than previous detectors, ideal for analyzing mixtures that contain widely different concentration levels. The Agilent solution extends the upper linearity level from two to typically six absorbance units. This allows injection of three times more sample while also reducing detector noise by 10 times. The result is up to 30 times higher sensitivity for simultaneous analysis and quantification of main compounds and impurities.  

Product: 1200 Infinity Series high dynamic range diode array detector for liquid chromatography
Company: Agilent
For more information:  

Free Program for Detection Disruption in mRNA

Brown University researchers have released a freely available Web-based program called Spliceman for predicting whether genetic mutations are likely to disrupt the splicing of messenger RNA, potentially leading to disease. Spliceman can be found at Details about the program will be published in an April issue of Bioinformatics.  

Product: Spliceman
Company: Brown University
For more information: 

Two New Integration Tools for Clinical Trial Management  

Nextrials has released two new integration tools for its award-winning clinical trial management platform, Prism. E2E, a tool for data collection, and Pharos, a safety reporting module, are completely integrated with platforms used in the health care setting for establishing and maintaining electronic health records (EHR) and are now available for pilot use in clinical trials.  They are the industry’s first early phase integration tools to be offered in conjunction with an electronic data capture (EDC) product such as Prism.  

Product: E2E and Pharos
Company: Nextrials
For more information:   

Expanded Tools for Sequencing Data Analysis  

Covance has integrated Ingenuity Variant Analysis (a web application that helps researchers studying human disease identify causal variants from human resequencing data in just minutes) and the Ingenuity iReport (interactive tools that help visually organize and filter results) into its current analysis and interpretation of sequencing data for clients. In a recent next-generation sequencing study, the tool identified compelling variants for follow-up within 90 minutes of the data being uploaded—a process that historically took weeks or months. This provides faster and more complete and biologically relevant results.   

Product: integrated Variant Analysis and iReport with sequencing analysis for clients
Company: Covance
For more information:  

Cloud Storage with Maximum Flexibility  

SGI has announced the introduction of SGI Modular InfiniteStorage, an integrated server and storage platform designed to provide Cloud and data storage customers with the maximum flexibility for compute and data management applications. Leveraging industry-leading density in an innovative, adaptable design, the core SGI Modular InfiniteStorage platform will be available as either SGI Modular InfiniteStorage Server (SGI MIS Server) or SGI Modular InfiniteStorage JBOD (SGI MIS JBOD) storage products, for wide-ranging, functional scalability in diverse data environments.  

Product: SGI Modular InfiniteStorage
Company: SGI
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