2012 Franklin Award Accepting Nominations

February 16, 2012

By Bio-IT World Staff

February 17, 2012 | Nominations are being accepted for the 2012 Benjamin Franklin Award  for Open Access in the Life Sciences. The award is a humanitarian/bioethics award presented annually by Bioinformatics.org an individual who has, in his or her practice, promoted free and open access to the materials and methods used in the life sciences. 

Nominations are being accepted until Tuesday, February 21. More information can be found at http://www.bioinformatics.org/franklin/.  

The first Franklin Award was given in 2002, and the winners make up a distinguished list of open source advocates and pioneers chosen by Bioinformatics.org and its some 24,000 members. Past winners include Jonathan Eisen (Genome Center at UC Davis/2011), Alex Bateman (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute/2010), Philip E. Bourne (Co-Director, Protein Data Bank, University of California San Diego/2009), Robert Gentleman (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/2008), Sean Eddy (HHMI Janelia Farm/2007), Michael Ashburnerz (Cambridge/2006), Ewan Birney (EBI/2005), Lincoln Stein (Cold Spring Harbor/2004), James Kent (UC Santa Cruz/2003) and Michael Eisen (UC Berkeley/2002).  

The 2012 winner will be announced at the Tenth Anniversary Bio-IT World Conference and Expo on April 25 in Boston. For more details, visit http://www.bio-itworldexpo.com/.