Turning Blood into Gold: The Wellness Chip

August 5, 2011

Larry Gold’s SomaLogic detects thousands of protein biomarkers with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity.  

By Kevin Davies  

August 9, 2011 | BOULDER, CO—Fourteen years after conceiving a tool to discover and measure protein biomarkers, Larry Gold and his colleagues at SomaLogic are poised to see their first diagnostic—a lung cancer blood test licensed to Quest Diagnostics—reach the marketplace, perhaps before the end of the year. This would be the first of a potentially extensive list of diagnostic assays under development for various cancers, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and neglected diseases. Eventually, they could be brought together into a single, simple blood test: the Wellness Chip.  

“We understand that longitudinal ‘omics is the ball game,” says Gold, the company’s chairman and CEO. “Whether it’s proteomics or lipidomics or transcriptomics, snapshots at time T are interesting but a series of snapshots at many times T are better for managing health.” Read more