Genedata Announces Software Suite for Biologics R&D

February 23, 2011

By Allison Proffitt

February 23, 2011 | SAN FRANCISO—Genedata today released Genedata Biologics, a first-in-class, off-the-shelf software solution for comprehensive data management and analysis of biologics R&D activities. The platform is featured at CHI’s Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference 2011 in San Francisco this week (Moscone Convention Center, Feb. 23-25).

“The biologics market is expected to reach $158 billion by 2015 and an increasing number of biologics drugs are being approved and marketed,” Othmar Pfannes, CEO of Genedata, told Bio-IT World. “We have made significant investments in R&D and product development to deliver a solution that customers need to effectively participate in the quickly evolving biologics market,”

By supporting the complete R&D workflow Genedata Biologics enables pharmaceutical and biotechnology research organizations to efficiently discover and develop novel protein-based therapies while enabling registration of all relevant biomaterials to provide a historical record in support of downstream development and production of therapeutic proteins.

Genedata Biologics is the fruit of collaborations between Genedata and several pharmaceutical and biotech partners including Bayer HeatlhCare AG said Pfannes. “Based on more than four years of development in close collaboration with international pharma and biotech customers, Genedata Biologics is the first commercial, off-the-shelf software solution to provide an integrated platform for biologics-specific discovery and development processes, ranging from biologics screening to the production of protein therapeutics.” 

“Our collaboration with Genedata to develop a biologics data platform has been very successful,” said Clive Wood, head of global biologics at Bayer HealthCare AG in a press release. “A commercial data management solution such as this has been sorely lacking in protein therapeutics.”

Genedata Biologics leverages IP in screening and sequence analysis, which is the result of Genedata’s Screener and Phylosopher  businesses, while integrating complex and interconnected workflows from different research groups and supports work in division-of-labor environments.

Standardized interfaces help document and manage a broad range of activities such as antibody screening (including phage display or hybridoma), cloning, molecular biology, protein expression and purification, analytics, and cell line development. In addition, the system provides functionalities to facilitate data and material handovers among different departments and external service providers and provides built-in business- and lab-logic with integration capabilities to company-specific infrastructure and processes.

Genedata Biologics Oracle-based database enables consistent storage and referencing of all relevant biomaterials such as antibody clones, vectors, and cell lines. It incorporates a variety of protein and nucleotide sequence information, assay and analytics readouts (e.g. Biacore, ELISA, FACS, etc.), generated along the process. Its modular architecture meets user-specific requirements, which allows the solution to be used through the R&D workflow. Current modules are available for Screening, Protein Engineering and Optimization, and Protein Production.

“Genedata Biologics enables customers to capitalize on the biologics market opportunity as it advances the development of innovative protein-based medicines,” said Pfannes. “It makes difficult, labor-intensive processes more efficient and can easily save pharma and biotech companies millions of R&D dollars.”