Final Four Weeks for 2011 Best Practices Awards Entries

December 20, 2010

By Bio-IT World Staff  

December 20, 2010 | It’s down to the final four weeks for entries in the 2011 Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards. 

Since 2003, Bio-IT World's Best Practices competition has been soliciting and recognizing outstanding examples of technology and strategic innovation across the biomedical research and drug discovery communities, from basic research and bioinformatics to clinical trials technology and translational medicine. 

The deadline for entry is January 14, 2011. Further information on the program criteria and entry requirements and guidelines can be found at:

“These awards have built up considerable cache in the life sciences community,” commented Kevin Davies, Bio-IT World’s chief editor. “Our judging panel of some 15 experts from academia and industry ensures that each entry is given a thorough and critical evaluation as we seek out the most exceptional case studies and partnerships over the past year.”  

“The purpose isn’t just to recognize isolated examples of excellence in the industry, but hopefully to shine a light on technology solutions and ideas that could really impact the industry as a whole,” Davies continued.  

Entries are being accepted in nine classifications: Basic Research & Biological Research; Drug Discovery & Development; Clinical Trials & Research; Translational Medicine; Personalized Medicine; IT & Informatics; Knowledge Management; Health-IT; and Manufacturing & Bioprocessing. Vendors are welcome to nominate groups in academia or industry with whom they have been collaborating on new products and solutions. 

Bio-IT World's peer-review panel has reviewed more than 400 entries in the program's history, with last year's 70+ entries once again breaking records. Last year’s winners included groups from MIT, the Scripps Research Institute, and ChemSpider; Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, and Centocor R&D; PROOF/iCAPTURE Centre of Excellence, and San Francisco start-up goBalto. The winners were profiled in the July/August 2010 issue of Bio-IT World. 

The 2011 winners will be announced and honored at the Best Practices Awards dinner on Wednesday, April 13, 2011, in conjunction with the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in Boston in front of some 200 guests. Winners and entrants will also be featured next summer in Bio-IT World.