• Big Data's Year in Review

    InformationWeek | As 2013 comes to an end, a top technology publication looks back at big data's big impact over the past year.

    Dec 30, 2013
  • CMS Confirms 49% Cut to BRCA CPT Code

    Bio-IT World News Brief | On Friday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services confirmed a 49% cut to CPT code 81211, which covers reimbursement for BRCA 1&2 gene tests. The change reflects an increase in the number of labs doing BRCA and is negative news for Myriad, analysts say.

    Dec 30, 2013
  • Delving Into the Cervical Cancer Genome

    Bio-IT World News Brief | The first genome-wide study of cervical cancer mutations in a large cohort of patients was published this week in Nature.

    Dec 27, 2013
  • Major Update to the Human Reference Genome

    Bio-IT World News Brief | The Genome Reference Consortium has released its first complete update to the human reference genome in nearly half a decade.

    Dec 26, 2013
  • Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Offers Clinical Data Through GenoSpace Platforms

    Clinical Informatics News | GenoSpace has developed a pair of gateways to offer clinical data gathered by the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation to patients and researchers.

    Dec 24, 2013
  • Font of Information

    Slate | A programmer weighs in on why coders prefer Courier.

    Dec 23, 2013
  • Two-Layer Screen Locates Both Drugs and Targets

    eScience News | Scripps researchers used a novel screening method to find a promising diabetes drug, and plan to expand the program to new disease areas.

    Dec 23, 2013
  • Cell Mechanics Gets a Powerful New Tool

    Bio-IT World | Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have developed the first method to measure the forces exerted by cells in living tissue – using decoy cells and some cunning computer imaging.

    Dec 20, 2013
  • Lifespan of Data Measured in Dog Years

    Cell Press | A paper by a team of Canadian researchers suggests that scientific data rarely survives as long as twenty years after publication.

    Dec 19, 2013
  • Crunch Time for the Arvados Project

    Bio-IT World | With $1.5 million in new venture financing, Curoverse is hoping to make the open source Arvados platform a serious commercial player in cloud-based bioinformatics.

    Dec 18, 2013
  • Fragile Expedition

    Bio-IT World | Following his 2012 success sequencing the evasive fragile X locus, Dr. Paul Hagerman wants to make a full clinical diagnostic, and an affordable screening test, available for fragile X disorder. He thinks he’s close.

    Dec 18, 2013
  • Personalized Cancer Care Makes IBM's 5 in 5

    VentureBeat | Every year since 2006, IBM has released its "5 in 5" list of new technologies that will change our daily lives within five years.

    Dec 17, 2013
  • New Horizons of Gene Editing

    Business Weekly | Horizon Discovery is expanding its Genesis gene editing platform to take advantage of Crispr, the revolutionary gene deletion technique developed last year.

    Dec 17, 2013
  • R Update for Hadoop

    Computerworld | A new version of R to be released today will run with the Hadoop data processing platform.

    Dec 16, 2013
  • Data Sharing and Training Rise to the Top in Lisbon

    Bio-IT World | Lisbon welcomed attendees to the 2013 Clinical Genomics & Informatics event last week with blue skies, plenty of pasteis de nata, and excellent discourse in clinical exome sequencing, high-scale computing, RNA sequencing, and genome informatics.

    Dec 13, 2013
  • Bigger, Faster and Crispr

    MIT News | Using the recently-developed Crispr system, researchers for the first time can perform genome-wide empirical studies of human cells, knocking down every known gene one by one.

    Dec 12, 2013
  • Decontaminating Sequencing Samples

    Bio-IT World News Brief | Appistry introduces a new tool to the Cancer Genome Analysis Suite, co-developed with the Broad Institute, which will mathematically filter out cross-contamination between tumor and normal samples.

    Dec 12, 2013
  • AllSeq's Knowledge Hub for the Next Generation of Sequencing

    Bio-IT World | AllSeq offers what it believes is a unique solution to the challenges in the age of commoditized sequencing. In a transparent way, the company matches researchers with sequencing centers, but also strives to be a knowledge base for all things sequencing. CSO Shawn Baker explains.

    Dec 12, 2013
  • Phil Bourne Named to New NIH Data Science Post

    Bio-IT World News Brief | Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, has named Philip Bourne as the NIH’s first Associate Director for Data Science, to identify opportunities across the scope of the NIH’s activities to advance the use of big data in scientific discovery.

    Dec 11, 2013
  • Oracle Joins OpenStack's List of Sponsors

    Computerworld | Oracle has become a corporate sponsor of the OpenStack Foundation, joining such companies as Red Hat and IBM in support of the open source cloud operating system community.

    Dec 11, 2013